2.15 The Opposition is rearing their white Heads

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Five men sat around a conference table in a white room. Even though Jesus stared down on them from a ceiling-high cross drawn on the wall, the conversation was not in the spirit of loving thy neighbor as thyself.

"We have to secure the Champion spot. With the quest influencing power of the Yellow High Faction, we can change to make this world a more Christian place, a better place." A white-haired man with a sharp bridged nose said. "Tell me about your plans."

"We devised an accelerated training regime for our Champion." Another white-haired man, with round cheeks, said. "We'll spare no resources to push his level 1 stats for the competition."

"The strategies to side-track the other candidates are underway, your Grace. We are focusing on the false Champion and the Mormon." A third man with bushy eyebrows said. He was younger than his colleagues and the only one with his hair still brown.

"What exactly do you have planned?" The round-cheeked grandpa asked. "We don't want to go overboard. This mustn't fall back on us."

"Of course, my Lord Bishop." The brown-haired man, his tone less respectful than before.

"Don't worry, brother. We are in a game, after all. Those young people will expect a few hurdles. It wouldn't be fun for them otherwise." The fourth old man laughed.

When Flora logged out of the simulation grounds and the workshop, she found herself on the job site of the training hut. Not that she would admit it to anyone, but she had forgotten about the ongoing construction.

"Hey, Auntie, how was your nap? We are nearly ready, but Mia brought some strange nets we couldn't find in the plan. Where should we put them?" Hub hollered from the roof.

"They are for the pool area," Flora said while looking around. The hut seemed fine. They even managed to remember the second door. A narrow bridge connected the mezzanine floor. To reach it, you had to cross the balancing beams with morningstars out to kill you, though.

"What pool area?" Hub asked.

"Right. Best, I should build it before you'll think you have completed all work." Flora went into the tunnel to the Gym Hut on the ground floor. Using the construction interface, she created a ramp downward, building a staircase. Then she excavated the room below the gym. Virtual Reality was awesome like that. She stabilized the walls and transmitted the deployment plan of the generator nets to the Riverstones.

"I'll be back before you know it!" Flora sent to Robby and sprinted towards the teleportation circle.

Flora would love to craft right now, building the tanks and the sleeping boats, but it would be so wasteful to do it in her own workshop and not in time dilation in Deriga's. The irony having a top-notch workspace, but using a standard version because of time constraints, wasn't lost to her.

"Maybe I should ignore efficiency and just tinker to my heart's content." Flora mused, taking the portal to Talpica. She returned to the front of the Trainings Academy, where had she left the Cradle yesterday.

Aito sent a link to Flora: "Three things I wished I had known on level 1."

"That's a clickbaity title if I ever saw one." Flora quipped, but asked Aidan to summarize it for her.

1. Even though you could play every content at every level, some achievements are level specific, so you have to tackle them when you are in the appropriate level range. Examples: Leaderboards

2. The system doesn't squeeze your stats below the value you had when you were at that level through mechanisms like level normalization or Training Time Suppression(TTS).

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