2.67 Entourage Selection - Meeting

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Flora exited the Cradle and took the portal to Talpica from the Metaworld. That was faster and cheaper than transportation from Zauberberg to Talpica.

Immediately, Flora plugged in the Octopussy and her mech-suit. Even with Bliz's company, she had felt incomplete without them. She dismissed the elemental after thanking her because politicking would be more painful for the hyperactive icicle than even herself.

From the portal square in Talpica, she took the Mover to the temple. It was her first time navigating the air space above the capital, and she immediately handed over the controls to Aidan. The land traffic was horrible, but the air traffic was a nightmare.

Talos guarded the entrance of the temple, and Flora greeted him politely.

"This woman says she's with you." He added after his greeting.

Only then Flora spotted Mia, who sat like a beggar next to the gate, leaning on the temple's walls. Her eyes were closed, and her breath steady. She seemed to be drowning in her oversized grey hoody.

"Send her in when she wakes up, please."

"I'm awake," Mia mumbled, but when she recognized Flora, she sprang to her feet. "I'm awake!"

"Indeed, you are," Flora said, noticing the deep rings under Mia's eyes. "Why are you looking like you should be asleep?"

"It's nothing," Mia said, swaying.

"I didn't even know that you could look that bleary-eyed in this world. How did you manage it?"

"I'm on my last stamina and concentration bar. I speed-ran instances the entire night."

"Burned toast! Teenagers!" Flora shook her head and walked into the temple.

"All the rankers did it, not only teenagers. The patch cleared the leader boards of the instances because of the increase in the mob's health. It's prime time to set some new records." Mia explained while trailing her. "We have to strike the level 1 HI3 while we are still in the level range for it. There are only thirteen level 1 HI3s, so it's doable in one night."

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