67. Bulldozing and Super Mario Aunties

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The group of two octopussies, one engineer, and 27 sheep, left the caverns and arrived at a plateau.

Quest: Shepard, herd the Sheep - Level 10

Description: Herd a minimum of 25/30 sheep to the Stables.

Possible Rewards:

Sunny Meadows Crook skill Sheep

Penalty: Scenario ends

Time-Limit: 15 min

Difficulty: A

A forest with thick underbrush spread out next to the cave exit. Three trails branched out, and Aito chose the right one. It was just three meters broad, much to narrow for a flock of 30 sheep. To the right of it was a rock wall, to the left thorny bushes and behind them the trees.

"Beware of the twiners, Milady. They try to grab the ankles of the sheep and pull them into the woods."

"They can try," Flora smirked. "Actually, they can't."

Flora walked to the front and cast a spell on the underbrush.


Her recently learned, and new favorite spell left nothing behind in a 2m x 5m corridor but rich forest earth and a few leaves. Unfortunately, it cost 50 mana.

A tree was in the way: <Chop>, a patch of thistles: <Mawn>, another narrow part <Bulldoze>, some twiners overhead: <Trim> <Weed> <Chop>.

Flora held <ReCharge> and her mana-potions on cooldown and had a great time literally bulldozing through the level.

The group crossed brooks on shoddy bridges and progressed without any hitches to a clearing. Aidan herded the flock to the rock wall and patrolled together with Flora on the open side.

Three mangy wolves appeared between the trees, but Aito was ready. Rapid Fire shot two laser beams per second out of both eyes. Aitoshuri decimated them in 3 seconds, one second for each.

The harder job fell to Aidan, stopping the blue sheep from joining the battle.

"Forget about the Headmaster! You are the headmistress of ASS Kicking!" Flora cheered.

Aito's answering beep sounded like a sigh. She showed her rating to Flora. It had sunken to D.

"Burned toast and stale jam! That cretin! Villain!" Flora cursed. "We do something about it directly after the scenario. Aidan, remind me if I get distracted."

The trail winded up a hill, but Flora would have nothing of it. She bulldozed a straight path up. Rocks rolled down but got destroyed by the robots before they hit the sheep. When the wind picked up, Flora grew concerned.

"Will there be another bout of lightning?"

"Last time it only rained, Milady."

After Aidan finished the sentences, the first drops started to fall. Soon, you couldn't call it "only rain". The water poured down as if the gods emptied their chamber pots. They had to reenter the trail because Flora's slope transformed into a mudslide.

Flora activated her headlights and the lantern spell again. With a bit of telekinesis, she helped the sliding sheep to stay on track.

Finally, they reached the peak. The rain lessened and sun rays broke through the clouds.

In the distance, Flora could see the farm. The sheep felt the closeness of their home as well and picked up speed.

"Stay focused, dears. The last stretch is always the hardest. We still have 4 minutes left, no need to hurry and get sloppy. What can we expect?"

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