2.66 Babysitting

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"I'll fry the little devils!" Flora groaned fifteen minutes later and pushed a snowflake off her head.

As the door had closed behind Isabella, the mini elementals scattered into the eight cardinal points. To be more exact, in a flowerbed in every direction.

Immediately afterward, Kaytsak had demanded to be banished. Flora received the vague impression that he was an older brother and had experience with baby elementals and dodging babysitting duty.

Flora summoned Bliz instead, which might have been a mistake. Now she had eight overexcited icy babies and one overexcited icy adolescent. She hadn't realized it before, but all her elementals didn't feel like adults, more like teenagers.

Basically, Flora had channeled repair the entire time.

The elementals grew bored with random destruction and switched to another favorite pastime of weak individuals, bullying. Bliz laid on the frozen floor, and five snowflakes danced on her. One crawled on Flora's head, but she flung it away with telekinesis, and now, the others had recognized Flora's hair as a worthy challenge.

"Gather some snow, Golly. These poor evil babies have no constructive way to channel their energy. We will build a playground."

While Golly packed the snow into a ramp, Flora coated the top with ice.

<Conjure Ice>!


Flora threw the smurf to the ramp, and it slid down.

Bliz transmitted pleading, cool emotions.

"Sure, dear. Test it out."

Ignoring the three snowflakes that had attached themselves to her, Bliz hurried up the slide.

Flora stretched the upper part of the slide to the hedge, then she curved it back to the garden and used the E-rated Wood as the final pillar and ladder.

Enthusiastically, Bliz and the snowflakes scaled the tree trunk. Only the smurf had problems. It could use its icy cap like a hook to hold itself and even swing, but a passing snowflake shoved it, and it had to start from the bottom again.

Flora levitated Smurfy to the top of the slide and told Bliz to look out for it.

One of the Snowflakes rammed into Flora's legs and scaled her robe. She caught it and tickled its liquid core. "So, you think you can get a shortcut by bothering me."

The cute snowflake squirmed in Flora's arms, and the water in the core bobbed up and down, which Flora interpreted as 'yes'.

"Wrong, sweety!" Flora moved it to the other end of the garden.

Next, Flora built a seesaw out of a bale of snow and an ice-plank. Smurfy loved it because, with its superior weight, it could finally bully the snowflakes back− at least until they convinced Bliz to come over to their side and leave Smurfy stranded high in the air.

Flora created an arc out of ice and used ropes from her inventory, tied to an ice bowl, to make a swing.

Finally, Flora could lean back and watch the children play. The slide was still the most popular toy, but now and then, one of the bigger snowflakes would go to the other two, and suddenly, the swing or seesaw would be contested territory.

Smurfy used those short phases to attempt to climb the ladder of the slide. It nearly reached the top one time, but then a snowflake with sharp jags hurried up just to shove it down.

The flowerbeds still hadn't lost their attraction to the unruly infants, but now Flora banished every destructive baby to the opposite end of the garden, and her repair load sank.

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