66. Counting Sheep

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Name: Shepherd, herd the Sheep!

Description: A flock of sheep has to be herded to their stable. Don't touch the sensitive animals.

Type: Strategy / Survival

Duration: average 43 min

Requirements: none

Restrictions: Restricted Inventory

Level-Cap: 5

Rating: A

Price: 10 VirDias

Flora landed on a sunny meadow. The grass was unbelievable green, and the five sheep incredibly fluffy. The graphics were cartoon-like; it reminded Flora on the scene in the movie Mary Poppins where real people entered a cartoon fair. She started to hum the melody of Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious while putting her stuff on the lawn.

A crook leaned on a rock, and Flora grabbed it.

Quest: Shepherd, herd the Sheep - Level 1

Description: Herd 3/3 sheep to the Spring Meadow.

Reward: Next Level.

Penalty: Scenario ends

Time-Limit: 5 min

Difficulty: E

Name: Sunny Meadows Crook

Description: Every shepherd needs one

Regular mode: 1 OV mana-regeneration

Built-In Spell: Hurry Up; CD: 25 sec; Range: 10 m;

Description: Increases the movement speed of the target animal.

Built-In Spell: Conveep; CD: 5 min; Range: 10 m;

Description: All animals flock to the crook.

Tier: 1

Rating: C

During the time Flora read the texts, Aitoshuri and Aidan lead the sheep through a gate to the next meadow. There, three more sheep munched grass. A brook parted the field, and the next gate was on the other side.

Quest: Shepherd, herd the Sheep - Level 2

Description: Herd 6/6 sheep to the Boulder Meadow.

Reward: Next Level.

Penalty: Scenario ends

Time-Limit: 5 min

Difficulty: D

Aidan took the left side, Aitoshuri the right side, and Flora walked between them behind the sheep. Expertly, they funneled the flock over a narrow bridge to the other bank and through the waiting gate.

The third quest added three more sheep and big rocks as obstacles. It provided no challenge for the team.

Entering the next meadow with three additional sheep, they had to herd the flock between rocks and idyllic ponds. The obstacle course was as long as the first meadows combined.

On the fifth meadow stood two white and one blue sheep. Flora happily counted them. Of course, she could multiply three by five, but that would counter the purpose of the exercise.

In the middle of the obstacle course lay a more extensive pond with ducks swimming. When they passed them, they took to the air. The quacking and fluttering wings spooked the sheep. Maybe Flora shrieking in surprise had something to do with it as well, not that she would admit to it. The flock spread in all directions, only the blue sheep stood still and baaed at the flying ducks.

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