2.13 Teaching the Pebbles

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While Flora prepared the spell diagrams of the Light Healing class for Zapple, the blue-haired Radiant Priest, a message from Mia appeared on her HUD.

Mia MyMio to Flowing Flowers: "Would you craft me two coins? Those spoons are sucking for dex training."

Flora glanced over to Mia. The girl twirled a spoon between her fingers. To Flora, it looked very artistic and not sucky at all, but everybody has different standards. Stooping down, she picked up a handful of sand.

"The standard attack spell is called Focused Radiance. It's a Tag type of prayer. The marked target receives a part of the skill effects of other targets in its vicinity. The good stuff for friendlies and damage for enemies." Zapple explained and cast it on Flora. Then he put Fortification of Faith on himself. For just a moment, Flora saw temporary hit points appearing on her HUD, but the damage from the Boxing Box immediately depleted them. Flora got the picture, though.

"Nice!" Flora exclaimed while condensing the sand into a marble via Transform Inorganics. "Would you show me the skill diagram, please? I have a knack for them."

"I can cast from diagrams, too. Great, that will speed up the process." That speed was important to him was apparent. Not only did he talk quickly, but he also fidgeted a lot.

Zapple sent the diagram to her HUD. In turn, Flora transmitted Light Healing Bolt.

Focused Radiance had the general form Flora associated with prayers, with rounded horizontal and straight vertical lines, but she saw the parts reminiscent of light spells, too. The area which governed the targeting bled into the effect part and was much fancier than any she encountered before. Only thanks to Zapple's information, she knew what it did. Nonetheless, to cast it, she just had to memorize it and redraw the lines with mana.

<Focused Radiance: Mia MyMio>

<Light Healing Bolt: Zapple>


You gained a new skill: Focused Radiance

Description: Target has a chance to receive the effects of single target skills aimed at other targets in its vicinity; Friendly targets benevolent effects, opponents harmful effects.

Duration: 10 sec

Cooldown: 1 min


Flora could see from Zapple's eye-movements that he was still busy analyzing the Healing Bolt. Hence she spent time flattening the glass marble into a coin. An idea crossed her mind, and she got excited.

Flowing Flowers to Mia MyMio: "Do you want a mana or stamina regenerating rune-scheme on it?"

Mia MyMio to Flowing Flowers: "One for each. You are too groovy, Auntie."

Flora engraved a generator scheme that transformed kinetic energy from rubbing or twirling the coin to mana-reg. Then she used the mana-reg to power a Magical Regeneration enhancing rune-scheme. On a whim, she tossed the rune for playing and Dexterity in the mix.

Engraving a scheme that big without the help of the miniaturizing features of her workshop taxed Flora. However, the result caused her to beam at the transparent coin in delight.

Name: Mana Spring Rolling Coin

Type: Artifact/Toy


Regular Mode: 1 OV Mana-Regeneration

Effect: Gain 1 mana for every round of rolling the coin across your knuckles

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