2.11 Building a Training Facility - Construction Part 2

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"Are you all part of the PVP team?" Flora asked the other ladies while they worked on the first floor of the future training hut. They connected generators to form columns.

"Yes, but I'm reserve because I work only part-time. The other three are on the main cadre." Ponda, the curvy witch, answered, clicking another two generators together.

Normad walked to them. "H, pls."

"Mend!" Olivia said, and golden glitter surrounded the Archer.

After flashing a thumbs up, Normad took the finished pillar and brought it to the wall.

Although Flora lost health because of the toxic waste as well, the Refreshs she cast to keep her mana up covered the loss. Of course, Flora used magic for her work, mainly Psychokinesis, but she didn't see any spells but occasional healing from the others.

Flora looked over to Hoffi to find out whether he used any skills. Normad or Hoffi erected and secured the columns. Afterward, an octopussy added the wiring. Up to now, she didn't notice any effects coming from Hoffi. Maybe he didn't like casting spells? That was inconceivable for Flora. But she also couldn't imagine PvPing without a jumping skill. When she prepared for the duel with Ressa, she had played a variety of maps. Some had rivers to cross or platforms to traverse. Sure, you could do it somehow without jumping, but not in a timely fashion.

"Hey, Boss-Mom." Hoffi noticed her stare and turned towards her. "Your robots are dismantling my work."

A forklift robot removed the column, where Hoffi had placed it directly next to the earth.

"Yes. Look at it. There is no wall on this spot because there will be the door." Flora suppressed a sigh. Ponda had called the guy stupid. Flora had assumed she was mean, but now the possibility crossed her mind that she might have been just honest.

Flora opened the building interface and constructed the tunnel towards the gym hut, a steep ramp leading up to the neighboring building. The system finished it in seconds as Flora's VirDias fed the process. Of course, the expenses linked to her own account and not the clan's.

"Auntie, are you down there?" Hub called, peeking over the edge.

Hearing Hub's superfluous question, Flora figured Robby had no problems dealing with Hoffi because he was used to Hub.

"Aidan, produce the first batch of boxes." Flora messaged to her AI and then to Mia, "If you see a blue container, pick it up with priority."

"You are here! Are you mad at me? I did nothing this time, I swear. At least I don't remember doing anything. Is that the problem, should I have done something?" Hub rambled as he jumped down. Two men followed him.

"It's fine, dear. I'm just busy. Welcome to the construction site. Thank you for helping out."

"You'll pay us, right?" Too Biased, a guy looking like a gigolo, asked. His black hair was slicked back, and he wore a designer stubble.

"Haha, don't mind him, Auntie. May I call you auntie? I'm so glad to meet you finally. Hub told us so many stories." Zapzerack Zapple, a young man with blue hair, said. His head swiveled rapidly, taking in the budding building.

Hub coughed and elbowed him.

"Sure, call me Auntie. Nice to meet you both, and of course, I'll pay you."

*************** Squad One-Two PVP-Players ***************

Nickname: Too Biased

Level: 210

Class: Blackguard

Clan: Riverstones

Rating: S

Auntie toasts the VRMMORPGTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon