36. E21

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Four letters remained in the box.

The first was from CentralTank. They wanted to scan her brain again. This time they offered 500 VirDos per Cetviwos-day she spent at least 3 hours in the pod. That would be 7000 a week - pretty generous for doing nothing and pretty low for giving away your privacy. Flora signed the contract.

The dean of the Halls of Magic had sent the next letter.

Dear Flowing Flowers,

our talent scanning crystal notified us about you joining our great community. Welcome, Kinetic Mage!

For furthering your education in the arts of psychokinetics, please visit the Planet Cradle, Zauberberg, Halls of Magic, Faculty of Psychokinetics, or our branch in Talpica.

Regards Einarch Wegbeung, Dean of the Faculty of Movement and Psychokinetics.

Quest: Furthering your Education (Kinetic Mage)

Rewards: Free Skills and training

Penalty: None

Difficulty: E

Hey rogue!

Move your ass to Planet Cradle, Zauberberg, a *bleeping* cave somewhere in the east.

Or not! I won't hunt you down until you bring shame to us, Energymasters!

Beware of the Icehearts. They are close.

Quest: Furthering your Education (Energymaster)

Rewards: Free Skills and training

Penalties: None or some

Difficulty: B

Flora didn't know what to make of these letters until Aidan explained to her that when you acquired a class by yourself, the System gave you hints on where to find the class-trainers.

The last letter came from the cute AI-handler, Idillicheskaya Besedka, Flora met at the negotiation.

Hello, Auntie Flow!

Attached to this mail is E21. She is one of the older AI's.

I don't really know how to write this because I'm not allowed to give too much info. Got reprimanded for my loose mouth when we met last :-(

Two years ago, something happened, and since then, E21 is depressed.

We handler are busy to say at least, and nobody has time to play AI shrink.

Do you want her? I believe that a bit of contact with the world might be good for her.

Unfortunately, you only get a down-graded version. All her game stats would be like an A-Rated AI, but the none-game stats like processing power are still intact.

Of course, when you accept, you can keep her, but we will do regular assessments and if we deem her a ... um ... oh whatever ... so there are circumstances that we have to delete her.

Oh, I messed up this mail! I better send it now before I decide otherwise!



Flora read the mail again.

She tried to formulate questions, but her mind only drew blanks. Behind the big question mark in her brain, a hypothesis formed.

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