29. Wing Tsun Advancement and Eddie

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After the Wing Tsun training, Flora had still energy to spare and aggressions to express.

She decided to take the test for the Beginner-1-Course now.

Quest: Complete Beginner-1 Wing Tsun


Advancement to Beginner-2 Reputation with the Seven Masters DojoBelt ButtonBonus Melee XP

Penalty: none

Difficulty: C

First, she stood with the other pupils in five rows, and they performed the first section of the first form, Siu Lim Tao.

You gained 2 out of 2 points for the execution of Siu Lim Tao.

The coaches divided the students into 12 groups of 5 persons each — four groups with only females, one mixed group, and the rest all male.

The coach explained that they do this because of cultural reasons. In some cultures, it was frowned upon for a man to hit a woman. Other traditions forbid bodily contact between the sexes before/after marriage and so on.

The first round consisted of a round-robin, everybody against everybody else in the same group. The two persons with the highest points advanced to the next phase and passed the examination.

The following elimination tournament started with the best one against the runner up of another group.

Flora got sorted into an all-female group. She recognized none of the women. Therefore she checked out their badges.

'We will see if the rating translates into fighting performance.'

Flora's first fight was against a tall blond woman. She looked athletic but didn't seem to take the competition seriously because she flirted with a boy from another group.

Nickname: Holysandre Savorista

Level: 6

Class: Pupil

Clan: Hunter's Hunger

Active Title: The Beautiful

Rating: B

They went through a portal together and arrived in a boxing ring.

While the countdown started, Flora bowed and centered herself.

Her opponent stood in the standard defensive posture with one arm extended and one arm closer to the body.

Wing Tsun focused on self-defense in the beginner courses. Therefore initiating aggression still felt strange to Flora. But someone had to start the fight, so Flora volunteered.

She ran towards Holysandre and kicked her in the front. The woman did what Wing Tsun taught them: She tried to parry it with her hands.

It changed the tractory of Flora's kick insignificantly. Power and momentum triumphed over technique.

Holy doubled over and even caught an elbow on the back of the head on the way down. Flora fixed her with the knee and rained chain punches on her.

The fight ended with Flora winning.

Her next opponent was a Mediterranean woman in her forties. She looked competent, had a high level, and even a class related to fighting.

Nick-name: Rubina Rubin

Level: 14

Class: Martial Artist

Rating: A

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