2.87 Leveling Up!

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Flora was ready for a nap. She had woken up early in the morning, did three different scenarios, the last two, which trained Magical Perception, multiple times− all in time dilation to boot. Then, she had attended an art competition and the Remote Arms course. All in all, she spent fourteen hours hustling for the last precious skills and levels in Magical Perception.

Flora had earned a rest.

However, it was already fifteen o'clock, and she had only two hours left until she had to level, and her Magical Perception stayed stubbornly at level 99. One hundred was the goal.

Aidan could level Magical Perception while she slept in time dilation. But that wasn't as effective as training awake. The temptation was huge. Nonetheless, Flora decided to power through.

Flora sighed. "One hour, three in time dilation, I can do it. Let's choose the scenario with the least possibility that I fall asleep."

After entering the simulation grounds, Flora restarted Invisible Assault.

The scenario transported her to a 10x10m room. From the walls and ceiling protruded so many gun barrels that they resembled hedgehogs.


Shots fired 0 – Hits 0


Although neither sound nor visuals gave the shot away, Flora felt something in front of her. The first thing she had learned this morning was to dodge first and doubt your perception later. Therefore she sidestepped.


Shots fired 1 – Hits 0


"One dodged... three more hours to go."


"Milady, it's 15:50. If you want to attend the Elemental Master course, you have to go now."

"I'm not asleep!" Flora protested, widening her eyes comically to hold them open. Her lids fluttered in protest.

"I never claimed you were, Milady."

"I'm standing and dodging!" Flora said, swaying.

"Yes, Milady."

*beep, beep* Aito disagreed and displayed an arrow, pointing at the counter.


Shots fired 8921 – Hits 7195


Flora cleared her throat while she sidestepped the next invisible beam. "Well, how close are we to level 100?"

"Hard to tell, Milady. You should reach it any minute."

"Okay, we'll sprint to the classroom and do the same thing as in the Animator course. You record and I sleep, um, I mean train, in time dilation."

Flora immediately logged out, ported to the Cradle Portals, went to Zauberberg, located the classroom, fetched Aidan's console, which worked even in non-technology areas, animated a Tolly and a Golly, and unboxed TheTollyWhoWillNotBeNamedYet. All within 8 minutes.

Before the teacher, a male Waterling with an impressive blue Elvis quiff, entered the classroom, Flora was already back to dodging beams.

Aidan relayed the teacher's voice to her room as soon as the Waterling finished one thought.

After the lecturer introduced himself and the syllabus, he continued: "I'll display the diagram of a prismatic spell for you. You don't have to cast it from just the diagram, of course." He laughed good-naturedly. "Who can say tell me what base spell the diagram depicts?"

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