52. The Virtual WS in the Virtual WS in the Virtual Reality

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When Flora came home, she found not only her apartment but also the church furnished.

'I raised Robby good enough to put couches on the right place but not good enough to tell his Mama when he gets engaged!'

Flora was still fuming about the lack of communication.

'A nice designing spree should raise my mood.'

But first, she needed to upgrade her AI's. Flora bought every available AI add-on and update in the Cetviwos Shop.

Then she added another A-rated AI with the nearly same configuration as Aidan.

Name: Haidan. (She resisted the sudden urge to call it Bob again.)

Trait 1: Loyal. + 5 OV hacking resistance / affinity.

Trait 2: Respectful. Holds owner in high esteem.

Trait 3: Practical. Choose the least resources intensive approach.

Flora dumped over 100 discs next to Aitoshuri together with the consoles of the three AIs.

"Please swipe them over the consoles, dear."

Meanwhile, Flora changed two of Haidan's jacks to the Dr.Brownski jacks, one for her and one for Deriga or other guests.

"Hello, Haidan!"

"Hello, Milady!"

Flora smiled. He even sounded like Aidan.

"Aidan, please bring Haidan up to date on our shenanigans." Flora collected her thoughts. "I have a strange request for Aidan and Haidan. Two people to care for and boss around is my max capacity. Therefore I want Aidan to be your voice, Haidan. I will command Aidan, and he will delegate tasks to you. Haidan's responsibilities will lie primarily in managing the church and the flat and the devices in it. Aidan's chores are mainly communication with me, my personal devices, and the management of HUD and options. My vision for you is that you will fuse, like two bodies, one mind, or one mind, two arms, maybe two souls, one mind, 14 arms. Whatever. Can, or rather do you want to work under such conditions?"

"Of course, Milady!" The answer came twice.

"Please reserve one of your .... threads? ... - The thingy you have only seven of - for continuous synchronization with each other." Flora felt bad about casting Haidan aside, but she knew her limits well enough.

"Please, Haidan, know that I appreciate your work, even when I won't talk to you directly. If you have any requests for me, please tell them to Aidan or anything to say at all. Any questions, anybody?"

"No, Milady!" Now, only one verbal answer came back, because Aitoshuri shook her head while five of her tentacles rapidly juggled data disks.

"Did Haidan tell you that he has no questions, dear? Just checking."

"Yes, Milady."


On her way to the printer, Flora inspected the changes to the house. The security system was up and running, visible cameras in every corner, and a few hidden ones in between. Flora connected Haidan to it.

She installed a signal amplifier in the north-west part of her flat, which was the center of the building. Without it, the ranges for drones and AI were ridiculously low. They could use their full capabilities only in a circumference of 30 m of herself. Up to 60 m, their movement speed was halved, and they lost access to in-built skills or features. Farther away, they stopped working.

At least, the rules for AI's were less absurd than the gun ranges. Flora had overheard someone in the Hunter Lodge complain that even sniper riffles only shoot up to 50m straight, and in the next 10m, the bullet reduced in size and finally vanished.

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