2.51 Training Montage

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"Your esteemed mother is now awake, young Master."

"Thank you, Aidan." Robby ported into Flora's bedroom.

Two body shaped lumps cambered the blankets. Robby's mind went blank. In his reality, there could be only a maximum of one person in his mother's bed when he looked at it−Two when he was in it. The two bulges didn't compute with his world view−even less so, the definitely male arm that lay on his mother's hip.

Robby paled. Could his mother have done that thing that mothers had to have done to get to be mothers, but no male offspring would ever acknowledge? No! His lack of father proved that he was the result of the virgin birth! His mother would never do those things out of her free will!

He had to beat up the offender!

"Die!" Robby roared and threw himself on the owner of the arm.

"Burned Toast! Sweetie!" Flora exclaimed.


Flora woke up with an unfamiliar weight on her flank. Did something fall into her bed while she had been sleeping? When she turned around and saw Eddie's arm, her memories came back. Eddie had been a gentleman and stayed on his side of the bed. They went to sleep without further altercations. She didn't fault him for spreading out a bit while sleeping. The half-hug didn't feel too bad, so she turned around again and opened her virtual menus, making plans for the upcoming training.

Suddenly, she heard Robby screaming, and then a 1.87 m black weight crashed into the mattress.

"Burned Toast! Sweetie!" She rolled away from her thrashing son. "That's Eddie, don't kill him first thing in the morning! A bad wakeup can ruin one's entire day."

"Nobody touches my mother!" Robby roared.

"Where is the attacker! I help you trounce him!" Eddie yelled from under Robby.

"I'm touched, but I can defend myself. Okay, maybe not. But I can assure both of you that there is no attacker here."

"I'm sorry, Uncle Eddie, but I have to beat you up," Robby said, much calmer but still not making any sense.

"I understand, son. I will do my best to make it worse for you than me." Eddie said, getting Robby into a headlock.

Flora was totally flummoxed. Her first instinct was to send lightning in their midst to burn some sense into them, but then she shrugged. That had to be one of those guy things, and they would have to sort it out by themselves. She didn't even know who she was madder at, Eddie for hitting her dear sweetie or her son for misconducting himself.

Ignoring the fight in her bed, Flora went to the training half of her bedroom and prepared for the day.


"Please, Milady, reconsider! Think about your brain!" Aidan begged, and Flora sighed.

"Okay, maybe casting three spells simultaneouslywhile jogging while getting poisoned is a bit too much." Flora scratchedher head and went back to the list of achievements. She deleted jogging.Sitting on the damaging rune-schemes might be distracting enough. What elementwas the least disturbing? "Aidan, ask Squad 4-1 if they prefer to beburned alive or poisoned. Those elements seem to be the most suitable. Lightningis unfit because of the shocks. They might interrupt the channeling. All theblood from metal disgusts me, and the slowing effect from ice is bad for thespeed achievements. Light and Shadow interfere too much with the senses, andacid is itchy."

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