Out of Omashu

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"The Score, Only One." As usual not my song nor video. Just something I was listening to while writing this chapter. I hope you guys enjoy!


Lyra's POV

"Well done, Avatar. You fight with much fire in your heart." The king praised and tossed the large boulder above them onto the ground beside them. He then dove into the ground appearing next to us in seconds.

Aang landed in front of us as the king spoke,

"You passed all my tests, now you must answer one question." The king instructed.

"That's not fair you said you would release my friends if I finished your tests!" Aang protested.

"Aw, but what's the point of a test if you don't learn anything?" The king reasoned.

"Oh, come on!" Sokka groaned.

"Answer this one question and I"ll set your friends free. What... is my name? By the looks of your friends it seems like you only have a few minutes." The king stated walking away back towards the throne room.

"How am I supposed to know his name?" Aang questioned.

"What did you learn?" I asked urgently.

"Think about the challenges, maybe it's some kind of riddle!" Katara followed.

"I got it! He's an earthbender right? Rocky! You know because of all the rocks!" Sokka blurted excitedly

"We're gonna keep trying but that's a good backup" Katara praised.

"Okay, so back to the challenges. I got a key from a waterfall, I saved his pet, and I hade a duel-"

"What did you learn?" I pressed.

"Well, everything was different then I expected..." Aang continued.

"And?" Katara followed as her crystal crawled further up her face.

"Well.. they weren't straight forward. To solve each test I had to think different then I usually would. I know his name!" Aang smiled happily.


"I solved the question the same way I solved the challenges. As you said a long time ago, I had to open my brain to the possibilities." Aang finalized with a grin as the king snorted in laughter.

"Bumi you're a mad genius." Aang smiled, and ran to hug his old friend.

"Oh, Aang it's good to see you. You haven't changed a bit, literally." The king smiled warmly.

"I hate to intrude on your heartfelt reunion, but, we're kinda getting covered in crystal!" I called urgently.

The king pulled his fist back causing the crystal to break.

In an instant the pressure around me was gone as Asura was startled awake screeching in suprise.

She caught herself floating gently to the ground.

"Jenamite is made from rock candy. Delicious!" The king smiled in delight as he bit into the sugary crystal.

"So this crazy king is your old friend, Bumi?" Katara asked.

I shrugged as Asura pecked at my ear.

"Who you calling old?" The king stared.

I gave him a unimpressed look mainly with my eyebrows.

"Okay, I'm old" The king admitted.

"Why did you do all this, instead of telling Aang who you were?" Sokka questioned the king.

"First of all it's pretty fun messing with people-" Bumi snorted "but, I do have a reason. Aang, you have a difficult task ahead, the world has changed in the hundred years you've been gone. It's the duty of the Avatar to restore balance to the world by defeating Firelord Ozai. You have much to learn, you must master the four elements, and confront the Firelord, and when you do I hope you'll think like a mad genius. And it looks like you're in good hands, you"ll need your friends to help you defeat the firenation. And you'll need Momo, and Asura too." The king finished his speech.

Aang bowed,

"Thank you for your wisdom. But, before we leave I have a challenge for you..."


Turns out carts are dangerous, and how the cabbage guy managed to get a new cart in a day was beyond me....


We arrived within the forest after flying for several hours. Asura grew restless as night fell and kept keeping me awake.

I fell asleep for a few beautiful eight hours which was enough to kept me from falling asleep every few minutes.

I prepared a fire with dry wood, as Sokka gathered food, Katara practiced her waterbending on the small stream, and I taught Aang some breathing techniques to focus on the water in the air while the fire came to life.

He gave up and flopped to the ground to play with a small airball after practicing for quite awhile.

I knew he had lost his focus so I allowed him to relax, I chose to try the technique I had discovered earlier.

It was harder now that I was actually trying but I started on imagining a icy skeleton like I had seen when we'd buried the dead members at home before I'd been blinded.

I imagined each joint and how it moved, then I formed muscles out of thin strips of ice to create moveable strings like a calf muscle. Slowly and carefully I assembled the body shape until it was almost smooth, then i added skin. It had to be tough like armour so I turned the water to ice and packed it together with an extreme amount of effort.

I was sweating afterwards but I had turned the ice almost paper thin.

I focused on forming features like hair and eyes.

Now it was a barely held together statue of ice, but it was sentient in a way,

Like a robot I could control...

This was gonna be useful.


Soooo that's a new chapter. I hoped you guys enjoyed. Until next time my Bookworms, stay safe and healthy! And have a good day! I'll see y'all in the next one!

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