A Visit With Tui and La

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Andy Grammer- Fresh Eyes, not my song just another song I was listening to while writing this chapter. I hope you guys enjoy!

Lyra's POV

The dream from the night before had yet to leave my mind. The imprint on my hand hummed with energy.

I focused on meditating and gave the days duties to the others in the group. I had accidentally woken them up, they all asked if I wanted to talk about it, which I said no. I told them that I needed to meditate on it. It was still cold so the sun had not risen yet.

Katara apologized too, she said that she recognized me and my abilities.

I didn't have a clue what she meant by the apology, but it was nice.

After I sat down and crossed my legs I focused on my chi and the moving blood in my body.

After finally focusing enough, I was able to analyze the energy in my hand.

It was a large amount of La's chi, this was highly concerning.

I breathed, feeling my conscious pulling away from my body.

I fell into a rhythm of breathing that followed the push and pull of waves.

I crossed a barrier, and when I opened my eyes, I could see.

"La?" I called.

"Lyra!" He answered from behind me, startling me.

"Oh jeez! Don't do that!" I scolded.

La laughed but it didn't sound very lighthearted.

"Come Lyra, I must speak with you in a private place immediately" He ushered me.

The grass below my bare feet was soaked with water like a flood had come through the forests.

I could here the squelch of mud as I walked, but La hardly seemed affected by this. His shoes were clear of mud and any trace of dirt or grass.

We walked to a locked gate in dreadful silence.

As we arrived and the door opened in front of us I asked my silent question that laid on my mind,

"La, what's going on?" I asked.

Why was this place so different than before? What made them move?

La made no sounds and ushered me inside to where a pale Tui sat.

She looked up at me with what I assumed was meant to be a reassuring smile but fell into a weak one.

"We have to discuss with you something serious" La began with a nervous breath.

"From what the other spirits have predicted we can say that Tui's most likely gonna lose her life"


La hushed me,

"This of course can be avoided, but it will take a severe toll on both you and Tui's student. She's also on her way here, but I'm not sure how long she'll be able to stay" La explained.

I nodded and looked to my hands, taking care to take in all the details of everything I could.

La appeared to be somewhat disheveled, and his black hair gave an oily look.

"How long until-" I began only to be cut off by footsteps through the back. It was the graceful motion of animal skin boots.

"Hello Tui" the girl with white hair bowed,

"Hello La" she greeted politely.

She seated herself as a jasmine teapot appeared on the intriguing table.

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