The Northern Air Temple

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Hey guys just a warning, this is a verryyy long chapter. I hope you enjoy. As usual not my song or video, just another so I was listening to while writing. It's called Raindrop by Marnik x Harris & Ford (Lyrics) feat. Shibui Nightcore Remix by Syrex, go check them out! I absolutely adore this song, and I hope you like this song and this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it. Enjoy!

Lyra's POV

The boy looked to Aang and his eyes went wide,

"Wait, you're a real airbender. You must be the Avatar!" The boy exclaimed in excitement and continued,

"That's amazing! I've heard stories about you!" The boy ended with an excited smile.

Aang rubbed the back of his head with a guilty smile, probably for saying they had no spirit,

"Thanks" He said shyly.

Sokka was quick to interrupt and I could almost see the sparkle in his eyes as he went to examine the glider chair,

"Wow this glider chair is incredible!" Sokka exclaimed in fascination.

"If you think this is good, wait until you see the other stuff my dad designed" the boy stated proudly.

We followed after the boy, and the sound of pipes hissing and clanging made my throat choke up any words. All I could think was of Aang, and how much he undoubtedly hated it. Even Asura seemed uncomfortable.

I could feel the heat from the pipes filling the room and the sunlight settling uncomfortably hot on my already warm skin.

Aang's heartbeat jumped in anxiety and probably being uncomfortable with the scene of the sacred temple turned into an odd mechanical structure.

"Wow!" Sokka shouted in admiration.

"Whoa, that's a lot to take in" I breathed with an uncomfortable laugh.

"I thought you were blind, you don't look in any one direction when you hear a noise" the boy stated.

I coughed awkwardly, the air felt suddenly sticky at the subject.

Katara and Sokka let me answer, something that gave me a sense of freedom.

"I am, but it doesn't mean I can't sense stuff" I stated with a calm smile.

The boy shrugged in understanding, a middle ground was something we could both reach easily.

"My dad is the mastermind behind this whole place. Everything is powered by hot air. It even pumps hot air currents outside to give us a lift while gliding" the boy explained proudly.

"This place is unbelievable" Aang stated in disbelief, his tone didn't lean towards any single emotion but cold longing, pain, anger, and sadness that moved him.

"Yeah" the boy agreed, "It's great, isn't it?" The boy beamed.

I sighed a silent sigh, it's ironic in a way, y'know? The blind girl can see how people feel better than people who can actually see. The thought of this was like a pang in my chest and my lip curled slightly in distaste to the irony.

No one saw. I was glad. It didn't dampen the atmosphere, and no one noticed.

"No, just unbelievable" Aang stated unforgivingly and walked away.

"Aang used to come here a long time ago" Katara paused to choose her words, "I think he's a little shocked it's so-" Katara moved her hand trying to find the word,

"Different?" I answered for her and wiped the sweat off my forehead.

Katara nodded gratefully.

"-so better!" Sokka finished for himself in awe.

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