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The song is Astronaut in the Ocean- by Masked Wolf. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter! As usual not my song or video just another song I was listening to while writing this chapter. See ya!


Lyra's POV

Our training was growing rough and turbulent as tensions grew high. It seemed Aang was excelling at my training while Katara struggled. He had even managed to attempt the mist walking ability I had invented.

It went like this; essentially the person wanting to mist walk would first focus on the water in the air and make it solid like invisible steps. From there you could do practically anything.

Although I hadn't mastered it yet, I was growing quite skilled at it. I was sure if I mastered it I could walk on clouds.

Katara on the other hand had chosen to give up and hone the more physical forms of water bending, that being the visible water.

It had been a hour training for Aang and half that time for Katara. We now moved to the more visible water bending.

It seemed even with Katara teaching Aang he excelled. In my head I was very proud like a grandmother passing on their life lessons to the next generation. But it was clear that Katara was growing irritated, and possibly jealous of Aang's abilities to pick up information quickly.

"Aang! Katara- whoever's bending that water- eek!" I screeched and raised my hands above me to form a large bubble which broke immediately from the sudden pressure of the water, leaving me soaked in my meditation pose on the rock in between the so called 'puddle'.

Aang had sent the supplies down river and undoubtedly lost a large majority of our stuff.

"Lovely. Just lovely." I muttered sarcastically as Aang too soaked Appa and Sokka in the wave all while washing everything down stream.

Even my special braille maps. Which was a pain in the butt to make or even find.

Admittedly the wave was quite impressive, but it washed a large majority of our stuff. With the exclusion of the saddles, our sleeping bags, and my coin purse along with the group coin purse.

I had seven silver coins, though I wasn't about to alert Katara or Sokka. It was change from Bumi since he trusted me not to go spend crazy.

"Hey there's a market nearby. I'm sure we can find something." I pointed out.


We did indeed find something. The market was filled with thugs. Though I'm sure if I pulled on the charm we'd avoid some trouble.

Upon entering I realized I was practically useless. Everything in the market was clearly made from dry wood, and the amount of people made it very difficult to keep track of the group.  In the end I had latched myself on Sokka's wrist as I learned how very terrifying the closed spaces were.

I had managed to find a fruit stand with Katara's assistance. The budget was tight but we had found some dried meat and mushrooms as well as some vegetables which I could seal up with a thin layer of frost or ice to slow it from going bad. That's where it stopped. There was enough water in the air to see but I couldn't find many supplies.

I did find a lovely kimono with La's borrowed vision, whom seemed to be quite the fashionista. Unfortunately said kimono was very out of my price range, 12 gold coins!

Besides I'd probably dirty it in the coming conflicts anyway.. I was lucky to have pieces of that prisoners uniform to patch things up.

Our river ran dry when we found a pirate ship. Or a trade ship as the dock workers called it.

I found a particularly nice section with the help of La who had started to open up. It was clear how excited he was. His serious facade faded to that of a excited shopper.

I entered a nasty smelling perfume section and entered a area with fine gems.

I stumbled upon a vintage hairpiece that reminded me of something my mother used to wear. In fact it looked exactly like it down to the chip below where the chain began. It was clear the sellers were disgusted by me touching it with my calloused hands. Like I'd spread some disease.

As I brought it to their attention they laughed. They already had a rich noble in the earth kingdom buying it for 300 gold pieces.

"Unless you can fork that money up, little Scarface." The captain laughed.

I stifled a response ignoring the name and brushed it off. It was a simple teasing name. I was in no mood to fight their whole crew. Even with the GAang's help.

With a sad goodbye I released the precious item and left with Katara and the group behind me. It wasn't until the crew of pirates had exited the ship with their weapons out did I realize something was off.

La crawled back away from my eyes as I took a breath and sent a large wave of water to trap the pirates. It gave us enough time to run and Katara laid out icy paths behind us.

Several pirates managed to skip over the ice and Aang dived over a cabbage cart.

I jumped over it using my water like a spring.

Katara and Sokka swerved past it. But the Aang trashed the cart by sending it at the pirates.

"MY CABBAGES!!" The poor cabbage man cried.

I didn't have time to turn around and see the distruction we've caused.

We were luck Aang had a weird whistle which he blew as my ears rang.

"Really?!" I protested and held my ringing ears.

""Who gets to taste my blades first?" The head pirate said as we were cornered.

"No, thanks" Aang stated.

He sent a huge blast of high pressure air at the pirates sending dust everywhere.

"Grab on!" Aang yelled.

I realized something. He wouldn't be able to hold three of us.

"I thought we were running from the pirates!" Katara screamed.

Aang took off as I stood back.

I focused feeling the water in the air. I took a breath and ran into the air. I imagined platforms beneath my feet and ran after Aang.  I barely dodged a thrown spear, and a knife. I followed behind them.

We all made it to the waterfall safely as Katara spoke as I landed with my thighs cramping as the adrenaline faded.

"Well...." Katara began "I stole this water bending scroll..." Katara admitted to my annoyance.


Soooo what do you guys think? I hope you enjoyed it. Have a lovely day! Stay safe and healthy! Bye my Bookworms! Until next time!
See y'all later!

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