Stop Asian Hate

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Hey guys! I have decided to publish this chapter to spread awareness. I bring this A/N (kinda, I guess) before all of you wonderful people, to bring awareness to what's going on. Not only in America, but around the world. Although I am not asian myself, or have any knowledge that I am, I know that what's happening in the world can be stopped if we work together to combat the issues. That goes for violence against any race. I probably will receive some hate for this, but if it means that I have helped even a singular person then I'll take it. We need to spread the word, think of your friends, your family, possibly even yourself, and those you care for. The young men, women, and etc. living in fear for their lives, and the lives of their children and elders. I don't ask as a writer or anyone special, but as a deeply flawed human being, and just another person on the street. Please, spread the message if you are able, and please be kind. I love you all, and you are all wonderful amazing people. I hope that maybe when this is all over that the world may be a safer, and happier place, for everyone.


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