Injured Asura

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Neoni, ft. Burnboy- Champion. Fits the pre-battle perfectly. As usual I don't own the song or video I hope you guys enjoy this chapter!


Lyra's POV

The sky cracked and rain fell like icy bullets over the forest.

I stopped as I noticed Jet standing at the edge of a cliff.

My thoughts were clouded with anger, and hatred for the body haunted by such a wicked soul.

How easy it would be to push him off and stop him from doing wrong ever again.

But it'd stop any good that may come from him. This man may have been cruel and attempted to push it forward, but he didn't deserve death. Yes, he'd done terrible things but maybe if he repaired his broken hateful soul he may just change.

A ray of sun shone through the clouds for this man. I gave him another chance.

Yes, he hurt Asura but it was clear that he had done minimal damage. Now, that didn't mean he was forgiven. No, he'd never be forgiven for hurting her. But I would show him mercy.

I had to stop his plots. I urged the clouds to collect more water that would pour down in icy bullets.

Aang, and Katara slept meanwhile. 

I had to bide my time, I couldn't let them explode the dam, I recognized the barrels of blasting jelly. I was aware of their plans the minute the ice coated barrels came into view of my bending.

I could feel the morning sun and hid in the tree branches in a abandoned hawks nest.

"Now, listen. You are not to blow the dam until I give my signal. If the reservoir isn't full the fire nation troops could survive" Jet instructed his comerades to which some nodded hesitantly.

I knew it! I thought to myself.

I had to warn the village below, even if the village was fire nation. No one is born evil, no matter how much Jet thought differently.

"But What about the people in the town, won't they get wiped out too?" The Duke asked aloud.

Come on kid, convince Jet!

Jet put a gentle hand on The Duke's shoulder, a manipulation tactic.

"Look Duke, that's the price of ridding this place of the fire nation." Jet said gently.

He had them twisted around his fingers.

"Now don't blow the dam until I give the signal. Got it?" Jet asked allowing no arguments to commence any further.

Longshot nodded,

Where was Pipsqueak? I had lost track of him..

Suddenly I heard a familiar yell, Sokka!

I covered my mouth and bit my lip to restrain myself from speaking, or reacting in any way that might give away my position.

I breathed, I knew he could handle himself. I had to trust him.

"Whare do you think you're going, ponytail?" Smellerbee raised her jagged knife at Sokka's neck.

I froze prepared to strike,

He was pulled from the bushes.

Sokka glanced up briefly and saw me but acted as if he was trying to escape.

He was trying to make himself look weaker so they let their guard down.

"Sokka" Jet smirked, "I'm glad you decided to join us."

"I heard your plan to destroy the earth kingdom town." Sokka glared.

"Our plan is to rid the valley of the fire nation" Jet corrected.

"There are people living there, Jet. Mother's, and father's, and children!" Sokka pushed.

"We can't win without making some sacrifices." Jet pushed for his idea.

"You lied to Aang, and Katara about the forest fires! You paralyzed, Lyra! And you have Asura trapped somewhere!" He called Jet out.

Forest fire?

Jet shrugged like it was nothing.

"Because, they don't understand the demands of war. Not like you and I do. Also, Lyra and that stubborn owl were getting in the way, I was planning on disposing of them both later. You understand, Sokka. Don't you?" Jet laughed.

Sokka shook with anger,

He was gonna kill Asura, and I? This guy seriously has something wrong with him.

"I do understand. I understand that there's nothing you won't do to get what you want!" Sokka gritted his teeth. Holding back more words than he cared to say.

"I was hoping you'd have an open mind. But, I can see you've made your choice." Jet pulled the straw from his mouth.

Sokka's eyes went wide,

He went to escape but Jet had Sokka's wrists in the bloodstained hookswords he had slashed Asura with.

Sokka had been caught.

"I can't let you warn Katara, and Aang. Take him for a walk. A very long walk...." Jet trailed.

I don't know if that hinted to them killing Sokka but I wasn't going to find out.

They led him away and I followed stealthily.

I waited until we were past sight, or hearing distance away.

I waited for the perfect moment and caught them in the animal traps Momo had been caught in previously.

I sent a blade of water at the tripwire causing them to be caught in the traps.

"What the- ahhh!" They both yelled in sync, neither reacting fast enough to avoid being caught.

Sokka was free as I leapt from the trees,

"Are you alright?! I got Asura, she's safe with Appa, although she's injured. Jet got her leg good" I nodded to him.

We both took off as he breathed in relief, a silent agreement between us.

I gathered the mist below our feet and made sure Sokka was very well stuck.

He didn't struggle, as he trusted me.

We almost hit the sound barrier but we stopped over Appa.

I lowered us down and lifted Asura up. I didn't realize how heavy she was earlier, but I did now.

She was dead asleep, clearly exhausted from whatever Jet had done.

I carried her onto Appa's back as she roused awake.

"It's okay, My Love" I cooed to her as she sniffed my outstretched hand. But not before flinching away making my anger flare at whatever Jet had done to traumatize her.

She leaned into my hand once approving my scent and passed out once more.

I bit back a sob realizing how terrible of a mother I was. My baby was in pain, and I could hardly do anything to help her. Not only that I'd failed to protect her.

Sokka looked back at me as we approached the village, we were sure Jet was gone so he didn't suspect anything. We had to lay low.
The icy rain slowed its assault upon my orders and my soldiers prepared for war. The water in the dam tremored with excitement. Making Jet's work much harder.


Soooo I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Stay safe and healthy, and have a great day! I'll see y'all in the next one! Until next time, my Bookworms!

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