The Abbey

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I Just Wanna Shine- Fitz and The Tantrums.
As usual not my song or video just another song I was listening to while writing this chapter. I hope you guys enjoy!


Lyra's POV

My determined expression had hardened on my face, and I noticed the clenched muscles in Sokka's face.

Obviously he was thinking of dad, he was never the same after dad left for the war. The war had changed all of us. Whether we liked it or not. It had taken father's, and sons, a whole nation. Torn families apart, killed benders, and non-benders, formed monsters from men (and women alike). Sacrificed thousands of lives, and killed thousands more.

I didn't want this life for my children, and my family.

"Hey, Lyra-" came Sokka's voice,

"hmm?" I hummed.

"Do you- do you miss dad?" He asked, sounding tired rather than his usual brave voice.

I tilted my head towards the sky as I hesitated,

"In what way?" I asked finally.

"Like in general, do you miss him?" He clarified.

I cringed, as he jabbed the thoughts I'd been thinking mere moments earlier,

"Do you want the actual truth?" I sighed.

He only nodded,

"I miss him- sometimes. He treated Katara and I differently from you. Just because we were girls. But, after the incident, he refused to believe I was anything but helpless. I don't want to be treated like a doll, I want to be treated like a capable human being. That's what I've learned to do while he's been gone. Did you notice, after he left, I learned to cope with my blindness. I learned to see again. So, yes, I do miss him. But not how I was treated."

I finally finished explaining.

I realized I stood over the cracking fire and my head looked into the face of the burning fire with a glare.

He nodded in understanding,

"I won't let that happen again" he promised me.

I nodded,

"Thanks, Sokka" I smiled.

It was going to be unavoidable, whether he promised or not.

Asura shifted in her sleep as her nostrils flared. She was up in a second, and was immediately on guard.

"Who's there?" Sokka and I questioned as we whipped out our weapons.

My bending caught on an oddly familiar figure and I paled internally.

"Fuck" I whispered in frustration and dropped my guarded posture.

"Bato?" Sokka questioned.

"Sokka, Lyra?" He responded equally confused as Sokka.

"Bato!" Katara grinned upon recognizing the voice's owner.

"Who the what now?" Aang questioned as he rubbed his eyes.

I moved next to Aang and my expression hardened. I crossed my arms and kept a guarded expression.

"He's one of the warrior tribesmen from our village, he left for the war with our father" I explained simply.

Aang only nodded as Sokka and Katara ran to hug him.

"Sokka! Katara! Lyra! It's great to see you three!" He exclaimed happily, "oh, you've grown so much! Have you two been helping your sister? She's looking very healthy. Are you alright, Lyra?" He asked me as I clenched my fists.

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