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Warning long chapter

Lyra's POV

Sokka had gathered the men of the tribe for their daily training session.

I had yet to understand why the girls weren't given the option to train. But he hadn't budged when I'd asked. He'd told me it was a terrible idea and hadn't allowed the idea to even be considered again.

Though at the moment it was quite amusing to hear him talk.

Especially considering how old the "men" really were.

"Now, men it's important you show no fear when you face a firebender. In the water tribe, we fight to the last man standing" He said halfway through his typical speech, I snorted amused.

I moved my finger with a snow flake bored beneath the sun.

"For without courage how can we call ourselves men?!" Sokka finished his motivational speech, and I yawned.

"I gotta pee!" One kid cried raising his hand making me lose focus of the snowflake, I giggled at this.

"Listen! Until your father's return from the war they're counting on you to be the men of this tribe. And that means. No. Potty. Breaks!" Sokka countered, hoping to hear the end of it.

The same kid hugged his bladder, which I checked was indeed full. As well as the others. I snickered.

Here we go.

"But I really gotta go!" The kid promised as he wiggled on his legs.

Sokka sighed and dropped his head, giving up.

"Okay, who else has to go?" he questioned in defeat.

All hands shot up and he face palmed. Hard. Ouch. I heard that.

Katara quickly approached as the kids dispersed into the bathrooms.

"Have you seen Aang, Gran Gran said he disappeared over an hour ago." Katara questioned in concern for the young airbender.

I shrugged,

"I haven't seen him." I joked and began to laugh madly at my own joke as Katara, and Sokka facepalmed.

My laughter was halted as I heard Aang's voice in the distance,

"Wow! Everything freezes in there!" Aang laughed as the group of kid surround him. Just as he left the bathroom. That reminded me, I gotta pee as well. I stepped off the wall with Sokka's help, as he began to grumble. It took him a moment to gather his words when he finally spoke,

"Ugh, Katara get him out of here this lesson is for warriors only!" Sokka revolted. He began to stomp in the opposite direction.

It was several minutes later (after I had relieved my bladder of it's weight) when Aang created a slide from Appa's tail did Sokka actually fully react.

I, meanwhile repositioned myself on the wall like before.

Several kids slid down Appa's tail into a pile of snow. Sokka's spear supporting the bisons tail.

"Stop! Stop it right now! What's wrong with you? We don't have time for fun and games with a war going on!" Sokka said biting the inside of his cheek as the kids ran away laughing. Sokka grabbing his spear.

I frowned a bit at this, children needed fun to have a good life, by not allowing them the same fun we'd had we'd deprive them of the childhood their fathers were fighting for. I went to slide off the wall when Aang spoke causing me to freeze before I repositioned myself back on the wall.

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