Unknown Dreams

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Hearts and Colors- Lion. As usual not my song or video just another song I was listening to while writing this chapter. I hope you guys enjoy!

Lyra's POV

"So where do we go?" Aang asked, breaking the whistling wind.

"We're getting you to the north pole" Katara stated.

"Yeah" Sokka agreed, "we've lost to much time as is."

"I have to agree, we don't have time to waste. You gotta learn as much as possible before summer" I reminded gently.

"Don't you guys want to see your father?" Aang asked carefully.

I shrugged. But Sokka spoke an answer,

"Of course we do Aang, but you're our family too, and right now you need us more".

"And we need you" Katara added.

"Besides, I don't want to see his reaction when he finds out Lyra is traveling with us" Sokka and I cringed at the thought.

"Yeah, probably not the best moment,when that happens" I agreed.

"Why? What's so bad about you traveling with us, Lyra?" Aang spoke directly to me.

I shook my head, not at all liking the turn of the conversation,

"He treated me like a trinket, after I went blind he taught me the basic survival skills but left me deaf to what I actually needed to know" I answered roughly.

The group must've noticed my change of mood because almost immediately the topic shifted once more.

"I wish I could give you a little piece of home, Katara" Aang trailed, "something to remind you-" Aang was cut of by Katara,

"I'll be okay" she assured him.

"Still just a little trinket, maybe something like- this?" Aang grinned holding Katara's necklace.

She grabbed it from him with a broad smile, and I listened in with a grin.

"Aang, how'd you get that?!" Katara smiled and attached the back of the necklace together.

"Zuko asked me to be sure I got it to you".

I couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy but had to remind myself that Zuko wouldn't do that.

"Oh that's so sweet of Zuko. Would you give him a kiss for me, when you see him?" She joked.

"Sure!" Aang grinned.

Katara crawled across the saddle and plucked a kiss on his cheek.

I could tell the moment was huge for Aang as he smiled dreamily with a sakura blush, and twiddling fingers.

I laughed and patted him on the back,

"Good job, Mr. Ladies Man" I praised Aang.


Hours later we landed in a lush forest, and found that despite the forest being lush there were no berries, or nuts.

Asura managed to secure a pheasant-chicken. I plucked the bird, and expertly butchered it. Sokka started a fire and Aang found some lychee berries in the trees, and some wild vegetable which he roasted by the fire. I seasoned the vegetable, and pheasant with some wild parsley, and some sea salt.

The meal turned out to be rather tasty. The pheasant-chicken was a bit gamey, but tasted a lot like artic hen. Aang's food finished cooking and we all went to bed full.

I laid out my sleeping bag, and Katara put out the fire.

I tried to close my eyes to sleep, but was unable to. I tossed and turned, tucked below Asura's wing.

She slept soundly and even snored a bit. I smiled softly, and finally I fell asleep...

I woke up in a different place, a huge palace made of ice. My hair was white as I looked in the mirror, and sky blue eyes looked back at me. My hair was up, and exposed a strand of black silk.

My dress was beautiful with tufts of fur on the rims of the dress, my sleeves were bells. It was a lovely periwinkle color. A man entered the room, despite his handsome appearance I couldn't help but be disgusted internally. It was then I noticed the betrothal necklace on my delicate neck. It was tight, and a bit constricting. He approached me, and shoved me toughly into a wall. He pressed a heavy kiss to my lips and it was all I had not to push him back. I was numb, his kiss didn't send sparks or anything. Instead it left a bitter aftertaste after he separated. He inquired about the black strand of hair that was braided into my updo, but I gave a simple answer, and refused to say. Honestly, I didn't know myself.

He soon left me alone, and I watched as I walked through a wooden hole in a wall.

This was my safe place, I removed my overcoat, and wore a light dress, a lovely pale cyan. I approached a pond at the center, feeling comforted by two presences. My attention was on the two inhabitants in the pond, moving constantly in a circle.

I felt like I knew them somehow, like I had always known them. Despite never meeting them once in my life...

I woke up to a rustling sound, only to realize it was a squirrel-rat.

I propped myself up, rubbing my eyes from the gunk that developed overnight.

It was still early dawn so I had time to gather items for breakfast. Asura left to hunt her own, but returned with the squirrel-rat I'd heard earlier. She ate it, licking her beak with a satisfied hoot.

A few hours later I returned with nothing but a few soft berries, which turned out really sour.

Everyone was gathering their stuff when I saw something solid that was shaped like a billboard.

"Guys look" I motioned to the billboard shaped thing.

"We should go check it out!" Aang grinned.

"We don't even know what it is" Katara stated cautiously.

"It can't be that bad, besides we haven't kicked fire nation butt in awhile" Sokka shrugged.

"Okay we'll gather our stuff then we'll see what it is" I directed.

I received nods back. Asura sat at my side and put her chin on my head. She purred settling her front legs on my shoulders.

She had grown! I say that because I was nearly crushed by her weight.

She got off me, with a confused coo as to why I had pushed her off.

"You've gotten big, Asura, you're quite a bit heavier."

Asura puffed her cheeks hurt n frustration and stomped her front left foot demandingly.

"No" I stated, I wasn't going to reward bad behavior, wether she liked it or not.


Soooo I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. It took awhile but I think I like it. Anyways I hope you guys have a wonderful day and stay safe and healthy. Until next time my Bookworms I'll see y'all in the next one!

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