50 | I Want You...

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{an: warning! this chapter is just whoa. 10 or more votes for next update. I might start becoming a Jelena shipper over Dylena... WHAT?! Votes and comments are the best. THANK YOU ALL FOR SUPPORTING MY LOVE FOR DYLENA BY READING THIS SERIES!}

| Selena |

"Good morning, Pickles!" Dylan chirped on the other line.

I groaned looking at the clock and squinting my eyes to the sunlight shining my way. "It's so early."

Dylan chuckled. "I'm sorry I woke you up. I wanted to hear your voice before I go to work. I won't be able to hear it until tomorrow since we have to do night taping too."

My mouth frowned slightly at the fact that we wouldn't be able to talk to each other. "Well, I'm kind of tired of your voice." Dylan went silent for a few minutes. "Kidding, you know I would die not hearing your voice."

"I'm glad we're on the same page, Miss Gomez." I could just imagine a huge smile on his face. "I too can't get tired of being with you."

I sighed happily. "Wow, isn't it too early for you to be romantic this morning?"

He imitated my contended sigh, but prolonged it. "It isn't too early cause I love being a cheesy boyfriend to my girlfriend. I love you!"

"I love you too, Dylan!"

I heard murmurs from the other line. "Hey, I gotta go. But I love you so much and don't forget to text me. I'll try to sneak a conversation with you later. Don't miss me too much."

I smiled. "I probably will. Goodbye!"

Dylan quickly hung up while I sat up straight stretching my arms all wide. Well, I'm starting to have a great morning. I knew I had a busy day ahead having to finalize things with Shawn and Justin insisted that he wanted to hang out with me.

When I was out the door, I made sure to remind myself that I had to talk to Taylor about getting Dylan something for our upcoming anniversary. I felt like I've been with Dylan for hundreds of years since him and I are so in love with each other.

Hmm... What to get Dylan...

I drove straight to Shawn's studio and went ahead inside his house instead of going through the backdoor. "Selena!" Sammy greeted while I smiled widely at the girl in front of me who had an apron on.

I gave her a warm hug before greeting her fully. "Good morning!"

"You meeting Shawn today? He's still asleep. You're welcome to eat some food." She opened the door wide letting me in a swift motion. I was amazed at how cozy looking the inside of their house was. It was true that they've been dating for years, but they act like a married couple... I wonder if Dylan and I could be like this.

Sammy showed me her way to the kitchen before the smell of bacon and pancakes filled my nose. My stomach cried out wanting to eat the whole table filled with yummy food.

I made my way to the stool while Sammy started to fill up my plate with the delicious breakfast she made. "Wow, thanks for making this for me."

She laughed at me and placed the plate in front of me. "You're welcome. Shawn's probably not gonna wake up in thousands of minutes which reminds me how are Taylor and Dylan? I enjoyed hanging out with you guys."

"We did too and they're quite busy with their own work, but Dylan did have a conversation with me this morning about how much he'll miss me."

Sammy took her own plate and sat across from me. "And that's why I ship you guys. Shawn says I'm crazy for admiring you guys, but it's just so cute."

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