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{an: I LUV U ALL. 20 and more votes for next updates! You guys are amazing and I have so many dylena love for you guys soon!}

| Selena |

It's been a few days since I saw Dylan. I didn't expect it to go that way. It was definitely something I wouldn't want to repeat ever again because it was really uncomfortable.

[days ago]

I watched Dylan wrapping a conversation with Tyler before my feet started to go towards him. It was sort of an instant reaction to want to talk to Dylan.

I stood up straight and finally faced him. I smiled widely, "Hey Dylan." I even added a wave to make it less desperately looking that I actually wanted to talk to him. "How have you been?"

He nodded, "I've been good. How about you?"

I couldn't talk to him about Justin and I. It was sad that we were here and not interacting as a couple like before. What's worse is that he didn't even look like he wanted to be talking to me. "Same, but kinda busy." I shrugged since I didn't know what to say.

It was quiet for a moment until Dylan spoke again, I kept quiet before I decided to break the silence between us. "Uh, Selena... I'll see you later. I have to do something."

I was about to tell him a proper goodbye, but he already ran inside in his trailer.

I guess he didn't want to deal with me anymore...


I rolled over to my back and laid my hands on my stomach. I looked at the ceiling and thought of nothing else, but what happened to both of us.

Inside my head, I felt like Dylan hated me and I just needed to know that everything is cool with us. I'm not used to Dylan not talking to me since he was the closest person that I work with on set.

Who was I supposed to talk to now?

My fingers landed on my phone while I squeezed it tight to put it in front of my face. I unlocked it and scrolled through my messages to Dylan's name. My face cringed when the last text message we had were good memories of I love you's.

I tapped the screen for me to start typing. What should I tell him?

To: Dylan - Hey, how are you? Just checking up on you.

That sucks, Selena. I frowned and just erased the whole thing.

I forgot about messaging and decided to call Sammy. A few rings sounded before I heard a hello from the other end.

"I wish that Dylan isn't mad at me." I said without even greeting her.

She scoffed at my inability to greet her. "Why would you say that? I thought it went okay on set."

"Hi Sammy, sorry. I'm a mess. It was awkward on set and I felt like Dylan didn't even want to look at me." I explained.

Sammy sighed from the line. "It must feel awkward, but it'll fade away soon enough."

I frowned for a moment when I heard Sammy talking about fading away. I really didn't want any feelings for Dylan to go away. To be honest, I missed him and I wanted him to be happy not for me, but for him too. "I just don't know now."

"Listen, you need some time away from all this Dylan awkwardness."

"But I want to text him."

"You can text him and we'll see what'll happen." Sammy said. "Tell me what happens, but first I need to go because relatives are in town... Bye!"

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