56 | I'm Not Letting You Go

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{an: this chapter might suck, but it's a filler! 15 or more votes for next update! and I luvvvvv you all! You guys are awesome. A few chapters until the big legit drama!}

| Dylan |

I was quietly sitting inside the car waiting for Selena to pick up her phone.

"Hello!" Selena chirped.

I smiled widely. "So happy so early, Miss Gomez."

"I'm happy to have heard my boyfriend's voice and depressed that I have a lunch meeting instead of making fun of everyone at the table read." I heard a frown in her voice.

"Why can't we forward time now?" I questioned her. "Look, Jeff is about to kill me. I love you honey boo boo."

She giggled in the other line. "Stop Dylan! Stop! I love you too though."

I tucked my phone securely away and headed out to the offices. I was about to be in big trouble to be so late, but I knew Holland would be following right behind me since she's always late.

"Aha! The family is back together!" I chanted walking through the room with everyone's lazy eyes on me. "Oh come on, everyone should cheer up."

Jeff was already scowling at me before I took a seat at the left of him right next to Posey. "Hey, what's up with the good mood? Selena's not here today."

I frowned when he mentioned what I've been trying to forget, but I just covered it with a smile. "She's not here at this moment."

"Okay, so I'm guessing everyone is here today. We have a start to the new season, I'm glad for everyone to join us today except Selena isn't here since Dylan made her run away." Jeff commented before the whole room was laughing at me.

"Hey, that's not true!" I pouted like a toddler before they laughed even more and Jeff was having enough of it at this time.

He sat up straight. "Knowing that there might be some delays to Selena's schedule... We made sure not to take her off, but from right now we'll start with the focus on the new killer in town and budding romances other than Stella and Stiles."

Jeff explained more on the lines of what our scheduling will look like considering there is something big happening to Stella this season ender. As for Jeff, he always loved leaving these cliff hangers at the end of each season which Selena will finally have her lucky season as I had mine before.

We read over the basics of the episode seeing if the writers wanted our characters to say something than what was originally written. Luckily I was provided a chance to actually write some few jokes of mine in the new season which I begged Jeff the night before.

"I know that Tyler and Holland need to be somewhere in a few hours, but I think this table reading for today has been set. See you guys next week and make sure to keep updated on the emails for newest locations and dates." Jeff informed all of us before most of the people ran out like bees.

I stayed for a moment and took out my phone sending an update to Selena.

To: Selena - Hiii... Just got out of table read! Can't wait to see you!

I grinned cause in just a few hours I was gonna see Selena aka Stella aka my girl aka bae.

"Dylan," I looked up to see Jeff watch over me. "I wanted to speak to you." I simply nodded knowing that Jeff isn't ever this serious with me unless he had a problem with me being reckless on set. I straightened myself not knowing what there is to come. "I know there's going to be some issues with scheduling, but I was wondering if you would want Stiles and Stella to break up?"

No way! "Why?" I blurted as fast I could.

"We were discussing with Selena that since she's starting the whole music career we were wondering if you were willing to cut her off Teen Wolf?"

I was speechless. Selena not being on set with me anymore? Over my dead body! "But why?"

Jeff took a deep breath before looking straight at me. "Selena and her management informed us about this situation, she didn't take it lightly as well... But to get a different perspective we wanted to ask you!"

"Uh... Can I talk with Selena about this?" I asked before Jeff nodded.

"Take your time and I'll see you next week." He said before patting my shoulder and walking out leaving me in a state of shock.

I needed to have a serious talk with Selena. How dare she not tell me this? Maybe that's what she's been hiding... That's why she's been a bit distant with me lately. I wanted her to be open with me and none of this secrecy.

I quickly got my script and headed out of the office to the parking lot. I needed to clear my thoughts and I knew that going to the shore would help me some how register what was going on.

I turned the radio up seeing as I needed to get my head off of this topic. "So, we just got the news that Selena Gomez is not joining the next season of Teen Wolf. She might tour with Justin Bieber which they've been seen out for lunch." Ryan said before I sighed.

"Lies." I mumbled before turning off the radio and opening the windows for some fresh air.

Luckily the traffic wasn't at all bad and I zoomed right through the streets. I pulled up to the parking lot to see Selena's familiar car. I knew I told her to meet me here, but I didn't know she would come earlier than me. I parked the car and got out quickly to stroll all cool where Selena was cross-legged on the bench.

"You look like you're having a shit day as I am." I said before sitting down right next to her.

Selena let out a long sigh. "Yeah, I am."

We continued to look at the waves on the shore just calmly and we were silent. For a moment with Selena, I finally felt at peace since we were in our little bubble not getting interrupted at any moment of any fans or media.

"Hey, you never mentioned about getting out of Teen Wolf." My heart ached a little just saying that sentence out loud to her.

She shrugged. "I really don't want that to happen."

"You don't want that to happen?" I asked surprisingly. I didn't expect to say that even though she was always seen as the girl to go through with her management team.

Selena finally looked at me and there was sadness in her eyes. "No, I refused the management team to control my career. I signed up for at least two more seasons with Teen Wolf and I can't break it."

"Thank God!" I scooted closer to her and pulled her in close to me. "I'm not letting you go."

She scoffed. "I hope you don't!"

"When Jeff told me that he already talked to you about leaving Teen Wolf. I was scared to death!" I threw my hands up cause it really topped all the things on my list of things that scare me.

"You freak out too much, but I would've wanted to see your face." Selena giggled before I gave her a slight push to almost fall out, but she kept her arm on me. "HEY! I'm still your girlfriend and I'd like if you kept me in one piece."

I chuckled. "Yep, I'm not ever letting you go."

{an: wasn't my best but I hope you guys still liked it, thanks for all the support everyone!}

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