30 | Perfect For Each Other

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{an: thanks for all the love guys! You are the most awesome friends I've ever had! 10 or more chapters for next update :) Vote, comment and love dylena guys!}

| Selena |

"OKAY. LAST SCENE EVERYONE. LET'S GET READY TO WRAP IT UP." Jeff shouted with as much enthusiasm that he has inside of him.

Dylan and I scooted towards lockers where we were supposed to be. I opened the locker so it could be realistic. For the last scene, Dylan and I were just standing in. We didn't have to talk or anything at all which was easy flowing cause I could talk about the most random things to Dylan.

"AND ACTION." Jeff shouted.

The crowd of students or extras started to walk around as the cameras narrowed to Holland. She was supposed to be talking to Scott and explaining the events of what had happen through their junior year. I wasn't gonna lie when I realized that I would love to be a part of the cast when it comes to their senior year which would be after the mid-season finale.

I turned my head towards the cutest person ever alive in front of me. "Hi."

We both had the easiest job today since we just had to act like a cute couple as Stella and Stiles.

"You're looking kind of tired today. Who kept you up last night?" Dylan laughed throwing his head back as if I said something funny, but it was actually his scene where the camera hovers to both of us laughing.

"My boyfriend kept me up last night. He couldn't sleep because it's our last day today." I started crossing my arms in front of me.

Dylan placed a confused look on his face. "He must seem like a douche for keeping you up late."

"He is sometimes, but I have to live with it." I shrugged it off.

His confused face went from a shocked expression leaving his mouth wide open. "How rude!"

I laughed at how childish he was being. "Oh get over it."

We both laughed at each other not even realizing that everyone was cheering already. "Guys! Didn't you hear Jeff say that taping is over?"

"OH MY GOD. It's over!" Dylan and I said at the same time except he was all sad and I was happy as can be.

Holland giggled. "You two are spending too much together that you guys are acting the same!"

I watched as most of the crew were hugging each other and it was the first time when I saw everyone at their happiest moment. It was like the New Years celebration. They must've been really happy considering no more work until three more months or so.

My eyes glanced to my left noticing Dylan all crouched down. "Hey, are you okay there?" I poked his side to get no reaction at all. He didn't say anything at all so I wrapped my arms around his waist. Luckily, he was little so I could actually wrap my arms around him fully. "You know it's just three months right?" Nada. "You know in three months it'll be our four months anniversary right?"

His eyes met mine and immediately started to sparkle like I was eye candy. "And it'll be our first month anniversary in a few days."

"And finally he spoke to me!" I exclaimed out loud for everyone to hear at how childish Dylan was acting a few seconds ago.

Dylan snickered. "I don't know. I wouldn't be used to not seeing you for three months. That's so long."

I gasped. "Dylan, we live in the same state of course we'll see each other. Also, did you forget that we're dating? We have to see each other 12/7 remember?"

He was being a butt right now thinking that he wouldn't visit or see me in the next three months. I walked away from him because of the silly and stupid conversation we just had. I couldn't even believe how Dylan would think like that!

I walked as fast as I could away from him before he finally caught up to me and pulled me into one of the set's empty classrooms. He closed the door. "Is this our first fight?"

I stood tall and started tapping my foot with my arms crossed. "This is not our first fight. It's our first weird disagreement because you're being so-- Stiles right now!"

Dylan started to stand in front of me and cupped my face with his hands, but I just kept my eyes away from him. "I'm sorry. It's just that you're Selena Gomez and I'm actually happy when I'm with you. Three months apart is just terrifying to me because I know how much trash the media is about to talk about both of us if we're seen with someone else which will cause us to think otherwise. I don't want that to happen."

I felt sad and happy at the same time. Sad because I didn't know Dylan was about to feel this way when we won't see each other everyday and happy because he actually might be thinking of getting serious. I looked up to his eyes. It still had the same sparkle and I noticed that it only happened when he was with me. He moved his head down for his lips to meet mine. I got a taste of his minty chapstick which was provided by Julia when we went shopping for his gift. My hands travelled to his messy soft hair when I felt him lick my bottom lips causing me to open my mouth slightly. Our make-out session started to get intense until--

"Oh sorry!" We heard a familiar strawberry blonde apologize in the other side of door. We detached ourselves from each other while I just let my head fall onto Dylan's chest. "Jeff wanted me to remind you guys that he emailed us the information for the Christmas dinner."

Dylan took a deep breath. "Thanks Holland, thanks a lot." Her footsteps got farther away from the door giving us the privacy that we had once more. "We should get going."

I stood up straight and looked at him. "Where should we go?"

"Let's go to my house. I'll cook you some pasta." Dylan insisted.

"Okay, but it better be delicious." I threatened him before opening the door for us to get out.

We walked through the hallways with Dylan's arms around my shoulder holding me close to him. "You're perfect." He said while I laced our fingers together with my other hand tight on his waist. I placed a chaste kiss on his fingers.

"We're both perfect for each other." I commented earning a kiss on forehead.

I smiled knowing that it was true.

{an: hope you enjoyed!}

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