5 | Mean Girl in Teen Wolf?

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| Dylan |

"Cut!" Jeff yelled out the Scott and Stiles scene. Tyler started to give me a death glare. The reason was because I kept on making him laugh making Jeff cut the scene.

He held up his hands that shaped like he was about to strangle someone. Wait, is it me? I pointed my finger towards myself and had a innocent face. "I'm gonna kill you, Dylan."

I started to run away as fast as I could, I saw the nearest people that could at least protect me from Tyler's strong hands. I ran toward Selena and Holland who were currently chewing on donuts. "Guys!"

"Dylan, stop being a wuss." Tyler laughed while I still got creeped out from him.

Tyler and I both eyed the donuts that was in the hands of the two girls who were rather confused on what we were doing. I tore apart a piece of Selena's donut while Tyler did the same for Holland.

"Hey. Get your own donuts." Holland squeaked before Tyler started to skip away from her.

"Thanks." I winked at Selena before leaving. Wait, did I just wink at her?

"You guys aren't even taping today, you guys have it tomorrow." Jeff explained as the twins just looked at each other.

"Oh, we didn't know. Okay, see you guys tomorrow!" Max nervously laughed as they turned back to their trailers to pack up for the day.

Jeff just shook his head. "Since we couldn't exactly continue the Scott and Stiles scene, we could move on to Stiles and Stella." He went to the other directors and I headed back to where Selena and Holland would be.

I knocked in the wardrobe trailer to find Selena the one to open the door. "Exactly the person I need. Umm-- Jeff wanted me to inform you that we needed to do our scene."

Selena gave a short giggle. "I kind of got the memo." She pointed towards the text that Tyler and Jeff gave her from a minute ago.

We both walked a thousand miles until we saw Jeff who was already placing Tyler somewhere. It was the scene after Stella revealed to everyone that she knew what we were. Scott and Stiles were supposed to fnally introduce themselves to her.

"1, 2, 3, action!" Steve yelled out of nowhere.

It was the end of the school day when Stella was basically the first one to get out of the school boundaries. We waited near my trusty jeep when until Stella decided to step out of school. Everyone was with us, well the main cast. We all started to creep behind her, not too close that she would notice us.

We walked a few more steps until Stella turned around to face us closely. "Do you guys need something from me?" Her eyes got small like she started to become irritated with us.

"Well, obviously you're the one who knows about us... So you actually need to explain yourself!" I said with annoyance because Stiles and Stella were apparently suppose to have this weird, I hate you bond.

"Ignore him. Wait, how do you know about us?" Scott asked with a nervous tone, almost scared.

I scoffed at him making me earn a glare from Stella. "Well, I don't know anything about you guys really."

We all looked at her with either confusion or nervousness.

Stella stood in front of Lydia who looked like she was about to bite her head off. "I just know that you're the wonderful girl that alarms everyone, banshee? Wouldn't Jackson just love to hear that loud killing scream."

Stella then stood in front of Alison. "Oh the wonderful daughter of an Argent? I still wonder who has greater skills, you or Katniss? Such a wise hunter you are. Your mother and aunt would've been so glad to see how you've become to skilled."

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