80 | Nothing Like Us

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{an: HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY! ohmygosh hi. this series is almost ending and I'm crying everyday as I write it through. 20 or more votes for next update. I can't believe that I'm gonna let this go soon.

THIS CHAPTER IS SHORT. SORRY. It's a filler chapter and the next chapter will be something to talk about. READ THE TEASER!}

+ selena

"Thanks for meeting lunch with me!" Kendall exclaimed while I stood up to give her a tight hug.

Ever since I stopped taping for Teen Wolf, I've had more freedom and free time to just roam around before my tour actually began. For a start of this free time, I've decided to check out how Justin was with having a new girl to praise which was Kendall. I've met her before from events and I caught some clips of her in Keeping Up With the Kardashians.

"You're welcome. Justin's been talking about you a lot so I wanted to get to have a new friend as well." I smiled at her.

We were seated at the restaurant for the public, but that was fine for us since this was gonna be a quick lunch. "So how was he treating you?"

"He's nice and sweet, definitely a gentleman." Kendall blushed for a second before trying to take a sip of her beverage to cool her temperature.

Kendall and I got along well from my comments of Justin's fails whenever we were both together as a PR stunt. I didn't want to talk to Kendall about the PR stunt until Justin has mentioned it with her. I kept it quick and witty when we finally got our meals.

Time went fast and we had to step out considering the amount of paparazzi's were crowding the outside of the restaurant. "Selena, I'll see you later at dinner." Kendall went ahead and gave me a hug before we separated ways to make sure the paparazzi's wouldn't bother us anymore.

| m b l |

While I was getting ready for dinner, I sat down and started to process what was going to happen in the matter of months or worse, weeks. I knew it was a bad idea, but I was sort of ignoring Dylan because he had to get used to the fact that we won't be seeing each other for the matter of three months cause I was going on tour.

I glanced down my phone to see that I had a new message popped up.

From: Dylan - Hey, you want to have dinner tonight?

I frowned and I had to let him down easy with this.

To: Dylan - Having dinner with friends :( I'll make it up to you next time!

In the matter of weeks, I wouldn't even have my phone next to me to be able to text him all the time. I was making sure that he would get used to this since we're not gonna be together as much as before. I was starting to realize what others meant that having a relationship in the celebrity industry was tough.

I shifted myself in the seat when I saw Kendall and Justin finally coming in together. I was really glad that we were in the back since we had more privacy than Kendall and I did.

The three of us got seated in a table before we could hang out to the lounge where most of the entertainment was.

"So... I hope this isn't awkward having me here between you and Justin." Kendall mentioned sipping on the bottle of water in front of her.

I looked at her confused. "What do you mean?"

"I mean the idea of you guys being exes--"

My eyes went wide for a second. That's what she meant! "OHH! Kendall, you don't need to worry about that. We're fine and I'm really in full support of you guys."

"I haven't really answered him yet, but I just have a slight feeling for him." She sighed and folded her arms around herself in the matter that she was embarrassed.

That was so adorable of her. I wonder if that's how I am when I got asked about Dylan before. Well, it used to be like that.

"So do you have anyone...?" Kendall asked me to give the attention back to me.

I gave her a small smile. "Yeah, I do..." It turned to a frown when I thought back to what I'm about to go through.

Kendall got the memo when she cleared her throat and nudged Justin arm to give a new topic.

We spent the night laughing and talking about how the media was making up so much rumors that weren't even true. Kendall and I were caught up in planning on going for the next Coachella season when I come back from my touring and more of taping of movies.

Earlier this week, there was an email sent to me that people were honored to have me as an actress staring in their movie after I got out from touring. I was extremely excited for all the projects coming to me and it was a sign that I had to start new with my life.

It wasn't a bad idea to start new, right?

When the night started, Kendall had to go home because she had an early flight to New York. I was a bit sad when she left because that left me with Justin.

"Selena, I wrote a song called Nothing Like Us... It's the last of our PR and I'm releasing it tonight." Justin said out of the blue. "I already told Kendall about it and explained that it was all for PR."

"Will I cry into tears?" I asked with a slight smile on my face. Aw, he wrote a song about our fake relationship.

Justin shrugged his shoulders and leaned on the couch. "We'll never know."

I just laughed at him before there was a flash that appeared in front of us.

"So are you ready for touring?" Justin was jumping up like he was getting ready for a game of basketball.

I looked at him weirdly, but kept on laughing. "Yeah! I'm excited... But the thought of leaving California just depresses me."

"Tour life is gonna be awesome because of the fans." Justin gave me a thumbs up.

I took a deep breath and finally told myself that it was better to enjoy life right now and realize that this tour will give me a new perspective of how my life will live in the next few months. New.

Hollywood, are you ready? Celebrity Buzz here with the latest news! JELENA!? BACK TOGETHER!? From previous sources the duo were separated for a while, but they're back in action. Justin released a song called, "Nothing Like Us," expressing their relationship and how it all went down. The night before there was a photo released where Selena and Justin were quite happy with each others company! What? This is awesome for all the Jelena fans, do you guys think they'll last or not?!


"I do, I really thought we were trying to start out new..."

"Dylan, we live separate lives. I'm gonna go on tour and I'm done on Teen Wolf, we can't really start fresh."

"So what now?"

"I don't know... We live separate lives so it's going to be harder to keep up with this relationship."

"I will tell you this last time, I did love you... I really did."

{an: I hope you guys enjoyed! Comments will be much appreciated because they give me life.

BTW. I'm have something to tell you guys in a few more chapters ahead. STAY TUNED! LUV U ALL.}

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