89 | Best of Friends.

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[an: READ THIS. REALLY DO. Sorrrrrry I haven't updated in freaking two weeks guys. I took these two weeks to recover & I think I'm okay now. :)
Summer break really hit me bad and I stopped cause I felt that literally all my books were boring and I was kind of mad at myself. I was sad too, like really sad cause I was disappointed at things I've written.
Probably cause I feel like people want more of Selena and Dylan, but I have reasons why I don't want them to get to a certain stage yet. I have a plan for the chapters to come and if you don't like fluffy dylena, I'm so sorry!]

+ d y l a n

"Did you check on the house? I gave you a key for a reason!" Selena yelled over the phone. She was a bit cautious of the being of her house since her roommates were gone for vacation or either hopped along on her tour.

"Way to yell at my ear!" I exclaimed yelling back at her. I unlocked the door and looked around to see no changes. "Let me steal my clothes back from you."

Selena gasped. "You wouldn't! Dylan, those are mine."

"Hahaha, no. I never knew you liked the Mets?" I walked up to her room to her closest, but an instant I felt a little slight of guilt at the fact that I was snooping around someone's privacy. "Never mind, I couldn't do it."

She giggled. "Wow, Dylan's a chicken!"

"You know what, I'll probably---"

"Just kidding! Don't go through my things." Selena begged. "Thanks for doing this."

I smiled and closed the door shut. "No problem, at least I get the feeling that you're still with me since your perfume is all over in your room."

"Sorry, I'll try to use less of that." She apologized.

I shook my head to myself. "Don't do that because then I'll have to get used to another Selena smell."

"What do I smell like to you?" She asked.

I sat inside my car rolling down the windows for the fresh California air. "You smell like a bed of flowers. Sweet and fresh. You smell like happiness. Like a child's way of smelling a fresh bake of cookies."

"Aw, how sweet of you." She commented.

"Now what about me?" I questioned her.

"Like a boy. Sweaty."

I rolled my eyes hearing her silent from the other line. "Oh come on. That's only Stiles from how he's always anxious!"

Selena quickly laughing probably loud enough outside of the room she was inside in. "You smell like fresh soap and girly shampoo. Like food too cause every time before we meet, you always eat right before. You smell like my one and only Dylan."

"Now that's the answer I want to hear." I grinned to myself before driving out of her driveway hearing more stories about the places she's been in during tour.

| m b l |

"Dylan! Can you calm down for a second? You're making me nervous!" I stopped fidgeting the second after.

I stifled a nervous laugh trying to lighten Julia's mood. She wasn't usually angry, but when she was... It was the real deal! "I'm sorry Jules, it's like I want to see her, but the fact that she doesn't know is bothering me."

Julia and I convinced my parents to come with us to Selena's concert in New York. I thought it was a good idea since that was gonna be the last concert Selena had until I would see her again in about three months.

In between those, if she'd have time to come back for award shows then we'd have just a few days together. And it being Comic Con in New York was the best timing.

must be love ↣ dylena [completed]Where stories live. Discover now