67 | Moving On...

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[an: hiiiiii. Sorry I've been away! I'm so busy with my school work! I'm back and I hope you like this chapter! You guys are amazing and I luvvvv you all! 20 or more votes for next update!]

| Selena |

"But I don't want to see him..." I whined taking a seat at the bottom of the stairs. I slipped on my flats clumsily not wanting to go any faster to meeting someone that I didn't want to see ever since what happened the last time I saw him.

Sammy opened the door to my house before I huffed and headed straight outside to be blinded from the bright sun shining down at me. "It's just one hour... Since you're already out and about ever since your last concert, it's time to do something outside. Socialize!"

"It has to be with him though?" I asked her before Sammy and I got seated inside her car.

She didn't answer me until we were finally out of the driveway. I clung onto the seat when I realized that this was going to a bumpy ride with her driving. "I know you must hate him a lot, but didn't your PR team tell you that it was much cooler to you know... Create a good image for both of you guys?"

I nodded simply agreeing to her question. Justin and I were in need of some 'reconciliation' since my single, Love Will Remember, created a bigger controversy than I expected.

I was given a lot of hate from his Beliebers, but I was still glad that most of the Selenators were on my side.

I sat in my seat thinking of the ideas that Justin would have for me in our reconciliation period. He basically ruined a perfect relationship and I wondered how I could forgive him. I know that he wouldn't have the guts to talk to Dylan at all since Justin would just talk about how cocky he was being.

I kept quiet for the rest of the ride since I couldn't talk to Sammy about how I thought that Justin was about to do something to me again. I closed my eyes taking a small nap before facing my number one person in my I-Don't-Want-To-See-You list!

Sammy pulled up to the familiar studio that I've been going to in the process of writing some more songs for an official first album that I was serious about. She pulled up to her driveway while I walked rather slowly to the studio door.

Was I ready to see Justin?

Ugh, let me get over this. I opened the door to find Justin sitting casually in the couch texting on his phone. That probably bothered me the most about him, he was usually just on his phone clearly not wanting to socialize with anyone at all.

"Selena, hey!" He greeted giving me all the sudden attention and standing up to give me an awkward hug which I didn't give back since it was quick.

"Hey Justin." I greeted before we just stood in front of each other. "We should sit." I gestured to where he suddenly stood up from. "What--"

He interrupted me. "That was my fault. I overreacted in our situation.... Look, I really want to be friends with you. I'm sorry about Dylan coming in here and realizing what was happening. I can talk to him and just tell them that it wasn't true."

I just stared at him with a "Well, it's kind of too late now since we're sort of on a break."

Justin's mouth went agape. "Did I do that?" He combed in his hair back in frustration.

I nodded. "Yeah, but seriously it's fine... I think we needed this break to just think things off since we had to get used to not working at all together. Teen Wolf won't last forever so..." Saying that again inside my head didn't sound any better. It's like I admitted that Dylan and I were destined either way to break up after Teen Wolf ends.

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