29 | I Really Like You

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{an: these chapters that I'm about to write are about to be the cutest ones ever, it's probably because it's in the Christmas theme so. THANKS SO MUCH FOR ALL THE LOVE AND SUPPORT!}

| Dylan |

I watched Selena come out of her trailer and shivering for a second. The temperature was really chilly since Jeff wanted us to come in dark and early. Luckily, I was used to being in the set getting all cold in this time of the year so I carried a huge blanket around. Courtesy of Julia from last year because I complained for the longest.

I skipped freely towards her and wrapped my arms around her causing the blanket to wrap both of us in a heated huddle. Selena looked up and smiled, "Thanks."

"You looked like you needed it." I mentioned before she wrapped her hands around my waist to pull me onto her tight.

We continued to walk through the set all the way up to the woods. I saw Holland with a huge puffy jacket talking to Posey who was up and ready for taping.

It wasn't a joke when Jeff wanted all of us to end the season right now. We were doing a another mid-season finale because Jeff was throwing more ideas to our writers and they wanted to save it for the other season attached. That was good news since Selena had to stay with us for more taping days to come.

"What are you thinking about, sir?" Selena asked not letting go of me.

I shrugged. "To be honest, I'm really glad that we're ending this earlier than usual. The season actually."

"Why? Doesn't that mean we don't get to see each other until next year?" Selena sounded offended for a moment and I couldn't really blame her because I just said something wrong.

I cleared my throat to assure her that I actually had an answer for her question. "I mean that we'll be together again on set for next year, but the real question is we won't see each other for four months?"

"Are we gonna be on a break?" She faked.

I chuckled. "Of course not! I actually want to spend every day with you, even if we're not on set."

"Do you mean like spending 24 hours of everyday together?" Selena clarified towards me.

I pulled her in closer with the blanket making us warm. "24/7."

"Maybe, but you'll need your time alone so let's make it 12/7." I smiled willingly. I kissed her forehead because we both didn't really officially let everyone know that we're together.

Holland waved her hands towards her and the crew stripped away the blanket from us. We felt a slight chill past us, but I kept my hands wrapped around Selena to keep her warm even though I was quite skinny. When we walked towards her and Tyler, Jeff appeared out of nowhere with a huge stack of papers in front of him.

"Okay guys, this is the last few days we'll be taping and then we'll go off to having our annual Christmas Teen Wolf party. We have to make this worth it because I know you guys just want to get out of this horrible place." Jeff made fun of the set.

He got behind the camera as we got positioned into our places.

"And action!" Jeff shouted for us to begin.

Scott appears wounded and crouched down in front of Lydia, Stella and Stiles. Stiles catches him before he falls completely down.

Stiles: Scott! What happened?

Scott: (breathing heavily) They're back...

Stiles: Who? Who's back Scott!?

Stella: (sees from afar people walking just towards them) Who are they?

Lydia: (stands just in front of Stella to get a clearer view) It's them.

Isaac and Ethan come walking in for an appearance. They both stand in front of Scott seeing as he is wounded.

Stiles: What is this? A reunion? (Stiles doesn't believe what was happening right now)

Isaac: We're here to help.

Lydia: By helping?

Stiles: Helping how? You guys made it much worse by coming here!

Ethan: We weren't supposed to be here, but Derek asked us. We couldn't let the alpha alone!

(Stiles and Ethan continue to argue while Isaac moves close to Stella)

Stella: Do they always fight like this?

Isaac: Yeah, welcome to the club. Are you new?

Lydia: She's Stiles 2.0.

Isaac: What do you mean?

Lydia: We've found the girl version of Stiles.

Isaac: Ah...

(Scott gets healed back before standing up)

Scott: SHUT UP! We need to figure out how to kill it and we can't work if you guys are like this.

Stiles & Ethan: Sorry.

"AND CUT! That was great!" Jeff shouted again before we just laughed at how awesome we just shot the scene. "Scott, Isaac and Ethan for the next shot. Lydia, Stiles and Stella, get off my set." He laughed at us.

I got my blanket back and Selena instantly tackled me in a hug. "Yeah, I'm cold. It's hard to wear a skirt and short sleeves during the coldest days ever."

"I like having you close to me." I smiled.

She nodded. "12/7."

"Hey, lovebirds." Holland called out making both of us look towards her. "See you tomorrow and get a room."

We waved her off before heading back to the trailers. Selena and I were both standing outside of her trailer making my whole frame block both of us from being seen. Selena stood in front of me with her hands wrapped around my waist and I had the blanket around us. She leaned her forehead on my chin and it made me think of something. "Hey, be my girlfriend."

"I thought I was already your girlfriend?" She asked innocently.

"Just wanted to make it official between us." I explained at the most simplest way.

Selena backed away for me to stare into her eyes. I finally got to see her eyes fully, it was really bright and bubbly like her personality. "I really like you, Dylan."

"I really like you too, Selena." I imitated how she said it. "Why tell me that though?"

"Because I mean it."

I couldn't help, but smile like a goof. I placed my lips on hers. I easily tasted the cherry taste from the gum that I noticed she was chewing on during our taping. I felt her smile through the kiss. At that moment, I felt really happy for the very first time in a long time.

I was happy with Selena. I wouldn't ask for anything else!

{an: since this series is in high demand, more than 10-12 votes for next update! :) Don't forget to vote, comment and follow for being awesome!}

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