79 | The End...

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Read this >> {AN: This is gonna have a lot of Stella & Stiles since I want you guys to get used to them.

25 or more votes for next update! :)


• I'm gonna try and publish the first chapter by the end of July & start August! (stella&stiles ff)
• MBL will be ending shortly and I promise it will be an unforgettable ending!

[Disclaimer: This is not the end... Or is it?]

+ selena

I blinked my eyes repeatedly causing a few tears to escape the edge of my eye lids. I was in a state of shock of what Jeff and I discussed. "It's beautiful."

"Well, we got a few help from other of the cast such as Holland and Posey since they were the ones to actually see the potential of both Stella and Stiles. I hope everyone will think that it's amazing as how you thought it was." Jeff said before I nodded. "Well Selena, you're off to go and I hope you remember some of the things that's gonna happen."

I got off my seat and went over to Jeff to give him a tight squeeze. "Thank you."

"No worries. See you next week." We both let go of each other while I went out of his office holding his script tight. I had a lot of emotions that I was feeling right now. I had to do my best in every way to make sure that this was going to be a very thrilling episode.

| m b l |

"Are you ready for today?" Sammy asked breaking the silence inside the car. She decided to drop me off today since I was too nervous to drive around.

I stopped shaking my foot. "I don't know." The only thing that I knew that I was really nervous about was how Dylan was supposed to take this whole thing.

"He'll be fine with it." She gave me a reassuring smile.

The rest of the car ride was silent and when she was pulling up to the parking lot of the set today, my heart stopped. Sammy gave me one last hug before I went off and headed towards Bruna's trailer to get ready.

When I came inside, Bruna instantly gave me a tight hug. Weird how everyone was acting some sort of way to me today. She started to get me dressed up for my scene today. I knew I was gonna be acting alone with our villian-like actress.

Jeff showed up with the producers when I was in the middle of the woods already. "Are you ready?"

I nodded nervously. "Ready as I'll ever be."

"One last time and I know this is gonna be perfect." Jeff tapped my shoulder before we went to our places. I was left in the spotlight, "READY. SET. ACTION!"

I instantly got into my character mode, one last time as Stella.

Stella walked through the woods waving the little blue flashlight around searching for a clear path. She looked to the direction that had the whispers and melody of a girl nearby.

"If she lures in boys, she won't be able to lure me in in cases that I won't be attracted to her song." Stella muttered under her breath.

The sound of the girls voice started to get louder. Stella finally got a close look at the anonymous creature. She gasped when she saw that the creature was right as how she suspected would be. Stella jumped out making the creature faintly stop singing.

"Aha! I knew it. You weren't just the normal looking Natalie, but you were supernatural!"

Natalie, part Siren and Naiad, stood up at the unexpected arrival of not only a girl, but Stella. "I thought you were a male."

must be love ↣ dylena [completed]Where stories live. Discover now