18 | I'll Always Wait For You

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| an: I am back with such a chapter of Must Be Love. lol, I'll try to update the others! |

+ Dylan

It was another day of taping. I stretched my arms up in the air when I got out of the car. I didn't even think of anything right now, I just a lot of sleep. We had the total of three more weeks until the last episode for this season. The gravel made the weirdest noises when I stepped on it. It always reminded me that I was at work and it was too early for that.

"Good morning, Dyl!" Posey greeted with huge smile. It looked like he was literally ready for anything today. "Why are you so down this morning? You're always up!"

I shook my head. "I'm just really tired."

"Really tired? Doing what?" He asked with shocked face, but it turned into a smirk. "Was it because you were out with miss Selena Gomez in the wonderful beach?"

I looked at him with a confused face. "How the hell do you know about that?"

He patted my shoulder. "Well man... It was kinda all over the Twitter world yesterday! Holland too got excited and told me this morning."

"Ahh... She's always the first one to know. I'll have to talk with her then." I closed my mouth tight and we both walked through the trailers for me to get dressed up.

It was Stydia episode week so Selena was really happy when I told her about it. Bruna quickly got me set up while Posey waited patiently for me. He probably wanted some details like a fangirl, everyone had an inner fangirl personality inside of them. Posey and I stepped out of the trailer to the school set.

"So, are you gonna ask Selena?"

I faked a laugh before shutting my mouth. "I've been giving a lot of hints, but she's getting used to me."

"Playing hard to get?" Posey waved to the perky strawberry blonde hair.

I shook a no. "Nope, she's just being... Selena Gomez. A girl's mindset."

"OH MY GOD, HEY O'BRIEN!" Holland yelled across the whole hallway. She was ready to really talk to me about the whole Selena situation.

Posey left me alone to get some last minute script memorizations while I stepped close to Holland.

Holland had a huge smile on her face. "Dylan! Hey! What's going on?"

I smiled back at her because she didn't like the idea of being in the opposite side of her own side. "Nothing much..."

We walked side by side with still a plastered grin on her face. "Do you have something to tell me?"

"Since you're asking..." Holland crossed her arms in front of her. "I want to tell you that I really think you and Selena look cute together."

I nodded. "Yeah, I think that too."

"Maybe you should ask her on a date!"

I shrugged. "I did... We went on like four."

"She might be thinking of it, but she wants to get used to you first." Holland explained pursing her lips together. "I seriously ship you guys..."

I placed my hand toward my heart. "Thanks Holland, thank you."

Holland and I stood at the position we were supposed to be in. Jeff was with Posey explaining the different ways to approach this scene.

"Do you think Jeff will decide to kill someone off the show?"

I frowned wishing it wasn't Selena. "I hope not because we're all a family."

She laughed at me. "Yeah, I really love the addition of Stella to the family, but it might be short."

I looked at her confused. What was she talking about? "What do you mean?"

She looked at me confused. "Dude, you haven't seen the script?" I shook my head. Holland turned around to the crew who had an extra script. She shuffled through the end of the script. "Look."

I got the script from her to read the lines.

Stiles: *Stands closer to Lydia* Where is she Lydia? Where is she?

Lydia: *stands with a nervous face* Stiles... I can't hear her.

Stiles: What does that mean? Is she dead?

Lydia: I don't know, Stiles. I don't know.

Stiles: Lydia, you're supposed to know.

Lydia: Damn it, stiles! I don't know.

*Lydia and Stiles stand there all confused. Lydia starts to pace in the room and stands still when she finally hears voices*

Lydia: Stiles.

Stiles: Lydia, what is it?

Lydia: I hear someone.

Stiles: Where is she?

Lydia: I don't know, but I hear water.

Stiles: Lydia, focus on me. Is it the river, pool, sea?

Lydia: I think I know exactly where she is.

*cut scene*

"Is it seriously happening?" I asked Holland with a worried face. I sure didn't want Stella to die.

Holland gave me a slow nod. "It might happen... We have to wait until the next script's come."

"I need to have a serious conversation with Jeff." I gave a stern look to show how serious I was with this script.

"You and Selena should talk it through... Ya know, Jeff might even give you an amazing last love scene with Stella." Holland pointed out before we started to do our scene.

The scene with Holland went pretty quick and all I had in my mind was that scene. I rushed over to Jeff when he told the cameras to cut the scene.

"Hey Jeff!" I called out getting near him.

He turned around instantly. "Is this about the Stella scene?"

"Aha, how'd you know?" I grinned.

Jeff plastered a grin on his face as well. "I know you, Dylan."

"Does she die?"

He shrugged. "I don't know... We haven't written the script yet, but it's all up to you."

"What do you mean?" Everything made me so confused.

He chuckled. "I want you and Selena to make up a script for me... She can die or not, but it has to be within you both."

My eyes went wide. "Are you serious?"

He nodded with confirmation. "Yes and you have two weeks."

"Two weeks? That's really short!" I threw my hands up.

Jeff patted my shoulder. "If it's real chemistry then it'll be real."

He gave me one last smile before I looked ahead of me to see Selena randomly pulling her skirt down to prepare a scene for Stella and Lydia. Some girl power times!

I waved in front of her. "Hey! I need to talk to you about something later."

Selena gave me a quick smile before Holland started to wave at her. "Sure, but I gotta go... Wait for me okay?"

I nodded. "Yeah! I'll always wait for you."

She smiled widely, her true smile. "Good."

We laughed at each other before she reached Holland. Yeah, I'll wait for her.

must be love ↣ dylena [completed]Where stories live. Discover now