13 | Practice Makes Perfect

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| Dylan |

I looked for a familiar petite girl around set. My mouth started to frown when I realized that I couldn't find her. I glanced at my watch to see that she should be here by now cause it's call time. Today was also a lot of scenes together which kind of made me more excited than I should be.

"Dylan!" Someone called behind me and turned immediately to watch the familiar face that I've been looking for.

"Selena!" I greeted with a huge grin.

She made her way to me while I just watched her. "So going for the skirt today I see?"

"Stella needs to set a new trend for skirts in the world of Teen Wolf even though Holland already does all sorts like that." Selena explained.

I had to agree with her cause Holland always was the trend setter as a huge fashion icon in Teen Wolf. "You look beautiful either way."

"Thanks." Selena smiled at me. We both walked at the few camera placed all over a certain room in the school. Jeff created us with a thumbs up and we took our places.

Selena sat at the desk where a computer was placed on the table while I had to just walk around her.

"QUIET ON THE SET AND ACTION!" Someone yelled at the top of our lungs until we heard the click.

I started pacing through the room just behind Stella fidgeting with my fingers.

Stella let out a frustrated sigh. "Stiles! Can you just sit down? You're making me nervous."

"Try vampires." I stopped and walked towards Stella. "Type vampires."

"Why in the world would I do that?" Stella asked me still looking at the laptop with a blank stare.

I scoffed. "Stella! Just do it!"

She immediately went to typing vampires while the camera started to get a close up on the screen of what we were looking at. "Why am I searching up for vampires again?"

"Because that can be a possibility to what could have attacked Scott a few days ago." I stated just looking at the screen.

Stella let out a half breathed laugh. "Our life isn't exactly Twilight you know?"

I looked at her with an annoyed face. "Stella, our life isn't exactly just like Twilight, but it's supernatural in every way. Good thing we're humans."

She looked up at me with the same annoyed face. "We're both humans, but at least I can protect myself. I can hunt just like an Argent and find clues like you and Lydia."

"So basically you're saying that you can be as bad ass they can too?"

Stella nodded with a smile on her face. "Yes."

I looked at her with just a few seconds until I had to blurt out something that was on my mind. "Stella, do you have a date for homecoming?"

She stopped typing and looked up at me again. "I actually don't. Why?"

"Well, I was wondering since you're new and we both don't have a date--- then we could both go together." I said in a whole rambled pace.

"I would like that." Stella smiled before the bell rung. She closed her laptop and we both went out of the class to get to our next class.

Stella was about to leave the room when I called her out. "Stella, wait..." She walked back to me.


I took a chance and placed a kiss on lips. It was intense, but it was sweet. After a few seconds, we just straightened ourselves. "I'll see you afterschool."

Stella gave a big smile. "Sure."

We both walked the opposite way until someone yelled out, "CUT!"

I let out a chuckle when I saw Selena jumping up and down since it was the first time that we shot a scene without ruining it. I headed over to her and smiled.

"Practice makes perfect." Jeff mentioned to both of us.

Selena giggled and nodded. "Yeah, we've been spending a lot of time practicing."

"Practicing on kissing you mean?" Holland asked coming out of nowhere. "You guys are incredibly adorable. I think we have a new couple alert here, Jeff."

"Is this true?" Jeff questioned us with a confusing face. Selena and I looked at each other before shaking our heads. "Well either way, keep up the good work cause a lot of the fans have been favoring Stella and Stiles scenes a lot."

"That means more kissing guys." Holland teased at both of us while I chuckled at Selena's cheeks turning to a slight pink.

Jeff laughed. "Now off you and Selena go cause I gotta get some Lydia scenes."

Selena and I started to walk off the school set then onto the trailers. I just remembered what I needed to ask Selena, it was more of the group wanting to me to ask her. "Selena," She turned and looked right in front of me. "I wanted to ask you if you wanted to come with me to the Teen Choice Awards next week?"

She laughed at how nervous I might be feeling. "Yes. I would love that."

I couldn't think of anything to say right now. "So... What should we do now?" Selena shrugged her shoulders. "We should practice some more." I winked.

Selena just pushed me showing her beautiful smile. "Oh my god." She makes me happy.

{an: they are adorable omg.}

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