7 | Pranks, Pranks, and Pranks.

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{an: reallllly short, but I just wanted to update this because a lot of people wanted me to update it! I hope you enjoy it! :)}

| Dylan | 

I walked into the set as early as I could and headed for the make up trailer. I gave a quick knock knowing that Bruna was inside this early. 

"Hello Mr. O'Brien. How may I help you?" Bruna, our make up artist, asked leaning on the door. 

I gave a quick smile. "I was wondering if you would like to  sacrifice your blow dryer this one time for the yearly prank?" 

She looked at me with an astonished expression. "Who are you pranking this year and it can't be like pouring any water inside of this trailer okay?" She informed before I shook my head. 

"Well, this isn't the smartest thing out of the prank book... But I just thought that I could stuff some powder in Selena's hair dryer?" I asked her all natual before she just stared at my like I was crazy. "Trust me, I'll inform Jeff about this today... It's a tradition! We're supposed to welcome them in a good way!" 

Bruna gave me a long sigh. "Fine, O'Brien. I won't like this, but since it's tradition... I'll let it pass!" 

I threw my hands up and gave her a tight hug. "YES! Thank you! Thank you!" 

She welcomed me inside to the trailer where I saw Selena's mirror. I usually hang out here when I had the time since there was a lot of scenes where make up was really necessary such as being a werewolf or just being in school. I really enjoyed being with Bruna too cause she was our hilarious Mom. I grabbed the black hair dryer and searched for some powder near me.

Before I asked, Bruna was already handing me a white vanilla powdered case. I laughed evily before taking a whole bunch and placed it inside the hole. Once I was done, I set it down in front of the mirror and headed out to see some of the crew already coming from the parking lot. 

I searched for Jeff who was playing with his phone near the Teen Wolf office. "Jeff!" I called him and attempted to wave my hands so he could see where I was. I walked a few more seconds towards him before he pocketed his phone and looked at me. 

"Yes, Dylan?" He said with his one sided smile. 

I cleared my throat. "I wanted to ask you if it would be okay if today was our prank day? I was choosen to prank Selena this year and I just wanted to tell you about it since last year didn't work well because we didn't inform you." 

Jeff gave a long sigh like how Bruna reacted when I told her about what was going on today. "Fine. But nothing dramatic that would make us get an ambulance. Last year freaked me out and I don't want that this year. Is that clear?" 

I nodded quickly. "Yes, sir." He tapped my shoulder before heading into the office.

I stayed outside and thought of the more pranks I could be doing to Selena. I could totally put something in her locker since she was doing a scene there with Holland. "Ahhhh, nice idea!" I said to myself before heading to the locker set. I got out an old looking mask that was even scaring me when I took it out and looked at it. It was terrifying. It won't just terrify Selena, but Holland too which might hurt  a bit. I closed it safely making sure that it didn't look like I did anything to it. 

I went towards the set where I was working with Posey again. We were just outside in the lacrosse field just throwing the ball around. 

"Okay Dylan. I told Selena and Holland to come later than usual today cause after all the pranks, Selena might want to go home." Jeff informed me while I gave a chuckle. 

Posey just shook his head. "Let's just get this over with." 

We positioned ourselves just a few feet away from each other and got our lacrosse sticks. "And action!" 

"So, what do you think about that Stella chick?" I asked Scott who luckily caught the ball in the basket when I threw it. 

"She knows a lot about us, I can tell you that... But she doesn't look like she can be a coyote or even a wolf." Scott said just standing there with a confused face. 

I waved my hands trying to get his attention to throw the ball at me. "I don't know if we could trust her. She knows basically everything! She could be working for the government!" 

"No, I don't sense anything evil on her. She just gives off the weirdest vibe." Scott explained before aiming to throw it away from me like the script. 

I scoffed. "Dude! You threw it nowhere near me. We need to fix our issues now." 

"We need to talk to Stella!" Scott shouted from far away before I just waved him off. 

"AND CUT! BRILLIANT GUYS!" Jeff shouted making me throw my hands up since it was the first time that Posey and I had no problems of doing a scene once. 

When I was done, I headed to my trailer to dress up in my normal clothes. I looked at the clock to see that it was slightly around 3 pm which was Holland and Selena's call time. I headed outside and decided to wait for them near the food area. After what seemed to me a few hours, Holland and Selena finally came to the set all dressed up while I just hid behind a few trailers away from them. 

I followed quietly in the locker scene cause I realized that Holland and Selena had already taped a scene in the woods where Lydia followed Stella. I made sure that both girls didn't see me, I scooted my way near Posey who was watching the scene that they were about to tape. "How come you didn't do anything yet?" 

"Just wait for it." I informed him before Jeff yelled for them to go. 

Lydia was watching Stella from the other side of the hallway before watching her go towards her locker. Stella was opening her locker and Lydia was about to go towards her, but once Stella opened it she let out a loud shriek. "HOLY CRAP!" 

"CUT!" Jeff yelled before Holland went near Selena and they both went to a fit of giggles. 

"Oh god! Who did this?" Holland asked while Posey and I just chuckled. She threw it at us before they had to restart the whole scene. 

I laughed once more before I went ahead to their next scene in the outside of the school where I got a bucket of water hanging off of the door. The cameras moved to that area and I watched Selena almost opening the door, but Jeff told her to stop. 

"And, action!" Jeff exclaimed and then Selena opened the door causing her to shriek once more. 

The bucket of water just spilled over Selena while Holland stood there with an open mouth. A few of the crew headed towards Selena to give her some towel to dry off. 

"I'll walk her to the trailer." I volunteered before Jeff just shook her head in front of me knowing that I was about to kill her or something. "Fine." 

I walked to Selena who looked so shocked. "This day is getting to be the worst day of all." She let out a small laugh. 

Bruna was waiting for both of us when we were near the make up trailer. I led Selena to her seat and she plugged in her hair dryer. The second she turned it on, powder just exploded in her face. "OH MY GOD!" She yelled before I chuckled at her sight. 

I kind of felt sorry for her, but it was needed. 

"Dylan! You're totally gonna pay!" Selena threathened me while I was taken back. 

"What? Why me?" I asked acting innocent. 

She gave me a mean glare. "Holland told me!" 

"And I'm dead..." I said before I started to run off when I saw Selena running after me. This is gonna be a fun year! 

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