90 | Our Own Infinity

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[an: a little proud of this chapter. This next chapter is the LAST chapter(s) well in two parts. I'm gonna cry cause this is ending. Thanks for the reads, votes, comments and love guys. U GUYS R DA BEST!]

+ s e l e n a

Taping. Resting. Touring. Interviews. Premieres. Studio. Resting. Touring.

That was the routine for my whole year or should I say my whole life? Vacation was for just a few weeks, but other than that most of the days I'm at the studio.

I've kept up with Dylan since he's progressing with more Teen Wolf seasons, The Maze Runner series and more movies to come! I'm so proud of him and I'm thankful that Nattie has been keeping me in touch of how he is, but don't think I'm a stalker or all that.

"I wanna go home." I mumbled on the phone while laying down on my comfortable bed on the bus.

Dylan chuckled from the other line. "Selena, you do know I'll see you in a few weeks right?"

I rolled my eyes. "Wow, way to make it better."

"Yes, long distance friendship is the best!" He laughed at himself before I rolled my eyes.

Ever since I started to tour around the country and half of the world, Dylan and I established what our situation was with commitment.

We've called is 'Long Distance Friendship'. Yes, we're both stupid but it made sense to both of us. The two of us weren't in a relationship, but we most likely had a friendship, in long distance.

We promised each other to stay in contact even if we were both busy. Sometimes I'd just contact Dylan instantly and he'll tell my parents what I've been up too. It's hard to just get out a few calls in a day, but I begged my tour manager to at least give me a two hour break where I could just sit down and talk.

I was prone to getting homesick so that was the only way.

"Selena," Dylan started before I got out of my thoughts. "In the future... When you have a tour in Europe, can you drag me along with you?"

"Hmm... Why's that?" I asked him pulling the covers over the top half of my body. I let my toes stick out feeling a bit hot.

I could literally imagine Dylan shrugging his shoulders. "Cause I never really gone to tour there and I'd be cool if we experienced it together!"

A smile creeped up my lips. "I would like to do that! I'll add that in the list of things I need to do with you!"

"You have a list?" He gasped all shocked.

I nodded to myself. "I actually do." I keep a list on my phone of what I could do with the special people in my lives. With Dylan, it's a weird list of things that I knew he would sort of enjoy. "But I'll leave that be until we're both together so we could fill it up with a bunch more things."

"I want to tell you something, but I don't want to tell you over the phone." Dylan confessed taking a deep breath.

"Don't say it. Leave it until we're both together in these few more weeks."


"Ok--" I stopped myself for a second. "We are not Augustus and Hazel."

With the sound of a click, I knew Dylan was almost out of his house and going to work. "But our little infinity."

"Nope..." I giggled. "Good afternoon, Dylan. Enjoy taping."

"Good night, Selena. Enjoy dreaming about me." Dylan last said before I tossed my phone to the side.

must be love ↣ dylena [completed]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ