17 | Boyfriend Material

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an: I’m listening to Psychobabble by Tyler Oakley! You guys should check it out! Also, I’m currently doing my like… College essay! I am old and old. lol. it's short. :( sorry 

| Selena |

I was looking at Dylan in front of me. I watched him carefully with his hands flying when he talked and how his eyes got really big just explaining things about how he loved the Mets. I couldn’t tell if it was just in his nature to be so funny and crazy at the same time, but it was really different from what I’m used to.

I looked intently at his face. His eyes were really brown and it really lit up when the reflection from the white table cloth bounced off his face. Dylan would always wrinkle his face when he made an irritated face. Heck! He even got me used to doing it. 

The moles on his face was another thing. It was spaced out like a messed up scatter plot. It was really something. I would probably do an endless amount of counting whenever I go straight up in his face.

He just kept on talking and I just kept on looking at him. He changed the topic of telling me about the fun it was to be on set with the original cast of Teen Wolf. Dylan really missed Colton from my perspective. 

Dylan stopped for a moment and flashed me a smile. It was a closed mouth smile and it made butterflies flutter in my stomach for no reason at all. I ignored it and rubbed my tummy to help it get away. He had side dimples and it perfectly shaped his face. I really had no dimples considering the fact that I had sort of chubby cheeks.

“Hey, so what do you wanna do now? I’ve been blabbing about unnecessary things for the past ten minutes.” Dylan mentioned before getting up from his seat. 

I copied him and took my purse. “We can walk by the beach.” 

We started walking through the sands of the beach. I didn’t really think we needed a disguise since it wasn’t really a place I’m often seen in. People always catch me alone, but never when I’m with someone.

"So, do you have any plans after this season of Teen Wolf?" Dylan asked with a sort of sadness in his voice.

I couldn't help but feel sad too. "Nope, not really. I might have some photoshoots from here and there.. How about you?"

He shrugged. "I have no plans too. Maybe audition for movies, but I doubt they'll pick me."

“Hey, that’s not the spirit. You should always think that they’ll pick you.” I reassured him with a smile. It wasn’t right to think that way.

“You really think I can be a part of the Hunger Games or something?”

I laughed, but stopped when I saw him give me a stern look. “It’s not that it’s funny. It’s cause you’re about to deal with some hand in hand combat with different districts while you’re from a place with supernatural things like a werewolf and banshee’s." 

Dylan chuckled. “I see what you did there.”

“You know what I noticed about you?”

He glanced at me before stopping. “What?”

“That you’re so Dylan O’Brien.” I said while crossing my arms in front of him.

Dylan scrunched his face like what he always does. “What does that mean?”

I shoulders went up in a shrug. “Well… You’re nice, annoying, and sarcastic.”

“Hm… That’s what you noticed about me really?” He questioned me suspiciously.

I nodded with a grin on my face. “Yes, really!" 

“You haven’t noticed anything about me…? Like how much I am of a boyfriend material?” He copied the same exact grin I had on my face. 

I just giggled at his comment. “You’re trying to hard. I hate it.”

"Well, a boyfriend’s gotta do what a boyfriend’s gotta do.” He smiled at me revealing his oh so ever handsome dimples.

There it goes again... The butterflies.

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