8 | Challenge Accepted!

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{an: hey hey heyyyyy. this is based off of Selena's ice bucket challenge from Taylor Swift, but I did a little twist with the most handsome Dylan O'Brien. Thanks so much for @camilacabellos for giving me this idea!}

| Selena |

"Selena! Taylor and Ryan challenged you to do the ice bucket challenge!" Charity yelled across the room. I heard her footsteps coming closer to me while I just looked at her wide eyed. "You need to do it before it reaches 24 hours."

At first, I didn't want to do it since cold water is cold. Obviously, but I just decided to yolo this whole thing.

"Okay. Let's do it and we need to go quick cause I still have to go to taping." I mentioned before Charity and I headed towards the cooler in the back. We took out a whole pack of ice and I saw a box just a few feet away from us. I grabbed it and skipped towards the pool to get the right amount of water in. I went back to Charity who was holding up the ice.

I got my phone and started the instagram vid. "Thank you Ryan Seacrest and T-Sizzy for the challenge... accepted!" I said before showing Charity put the bag full of ice in the water.

I went placed the phone to see the view of me sitting in the cylinder. "1... 2... 3..." Charity mumbled before I finally felt the ice cold water hit my body. It was like ice stabbing me. I immediately ran screeching out in the sun. "It's so cold!"

We kept on laughing and I posted it quickly to finally nominate the people I wanted to nominate for this challenge. "I nominate Cara Develingne, Suki Waterhouse and James Franco cause my shirt says James Franco."

"You should totally challenge that guy, Dylan, cause remember he pranked you?" Charity mentioned before I giggled.

I decided to quickly make another post just for someone special. I pressed the record button. "This is last minute, but I nominate the most awesome Dylan O'Brien to do the ice bucket challenge. And you have at least at the end of taping today to complete it." I posted it quickly before I got a towel and dried myself.

I had exactly an hour before I would go to taping. Jeff intended for me not to go today cause I just had at least one scene with Holland and she had a tiny photoshoot, but I wanted to go just for the matter of fact. I was incredibly bored out of mind so I decided to head to the set already.

When I got to set, everyone was already there so I didn't intrude on anything. I went ahead to the dressing room trailer where I saw Bruna slightly confused. "Selena, what are you doing here?"

I looked at her with a blank face. "I was just getting the script for next week." I frowned. "Was I not supposed to be here?"

Bruna shook her head quickly and have me a cheerful smile. "No, I mean... It's surprising since I wasn't expecting on dressing Stella for today!"

"And I kinda wanted to see Dylan today." I added until I realized that it came out wrong. Bruna started to smirk before my eyes, but I took it back. "I MEAN-- I challanged Dylan to do the ice bucket challenge before taping is done."

Bruna laughed at me. "You and Dylan seriously love to prank each other don't you?"

I gave her a slow nod. "Maybe, so..."

I looked at my phone to see that it was around the time when Jeff wanted to see me. I went out to the cool day of California and searched for Jeff. He was hard to spot considering everyone soft of were taller than him, but he's the boss so everyone respected him.

I saw Tyler and Dylan walking next to each other. "Hey guys!" I called out to catch theiir attention, but when Dylan saw me... He looked quite frightened and started to run off away from me. I caught up to Tyler who looked as confused as me. "What's up Dylan?"

"Same question!" We just stared at each other with furrowed eyebrows. "Oh, Jeff's waiting for you in the office. I think Dylan's on his way there."

"Thanks, but wait... When you see him, can you tell him that I challenged him to the ice bucket challenge!" I exclaimed.

He reacted with a laugh. "Wait, dude... Tell me when you guys are doing it! I want to dump it!"

I have a thumbs up and went to the office. It took me a while to know where everything was, but thanks to Holland and most of the cast... They showed me where things went and were placed! I saw a few of the staff just chilling and sitting down so it meant that it wasn't as busy.

I knocked on Jeff's door, but he was just on his phone. "Hi Jeff." I greeted making him look up.

"Hey, Selena! Come in." Jeff gestured me to come towards him and I sat down in the chair across from his desk. "So, make sure you're free next week cause I actually planned on a lot of Stella scenes. I'm just wondering if I should add a few scenes with Dylan or not."

"I would love to act with Dylan. I know it'll be fun and I'll make sure it'll actually be funny." I convinced to Jeff holding up the okay sign.

He gave a light chuckle. "Sure. I talked to Dylan about it and he's really fine with it as well."

I smiled as he handed me the full packet off scripts and bits. I was really excited. I should talk to Dylan about it. "Oh and if you see Dylan... Make sure to do some lines with him cause he sure seemed nervous to act with you."

I have him a nod before standing up from where I sat. "Jeff, I challenged Dylan to an ice bucket challenge... Is that okay if we do that?"

He looked at me like I was insane, but laughed it off. "Sure, you guys are incredibly weird."

"Not the first time I've heard it!" I said before I left his office to go searching me for some O'Brien.

I looked around the whole office to see that he wasn't there. I knew he wouldn't be on the actually set cause he had been there the whole day. I didn't see him in the food table so I was getting tired of looking around for him.

I was giving up, but I finally took the chance to knock on his trailer door. "Dylan! I know you might be in there!"

The door went wide opened to Dylan wearing a white tee and basketball shorts. "I'm ready! Challenge accepted, Gomez. Where's the ice?" He clapped his hands together while I looked at him in disbelief since I thought he wouldn't accept the challenge.

"I got it!" Tyler shouted over at us with two buckets filled with water and ice packs of ice. I watched as Jeff and Bruna rushed towards us and we headed in the flat concrete.

"We are here to help." Bruna mentioned before we filled the buckets with ice.

We gave the crew around us our cameras to record Dylan. He stood in front of us with his tall frame while the four of us were behind him."Hi. My name is Dylan O'Brien and I was nominated by Selena Gomez to do the ice bucket challenge... And you know what? I accept, Selena Gomez! I accept!" We all just laughed at him before he started to brace himself. We hosited up the buckets and slowly poured it on him for more coldness to hit him. We all laughed before Dylan just screeched like a girl and faked cried. 

I watched him post it on his social media sites while I just watched it all over again with Bruna. Dylan headed back to his trailer to probably dry off and change his clothes. Just a few minutes passed, Dylan walked out the trailer with a new set of clothes and he already dried his hair off. 

"Good old sport!" Jeff commented at Dylan who just gave us an annoyed smile. 

No one was left between him and I so I just went with the crowd cause Dylan must have wanted to kill me right now.I turned away from Dylan, but he let out a cough making me turn around with a strange face. "Are you okay?" 

He nodded. "Oh yeah-- Um... I was just wondering if you wanted to grab a bite to eat tonight?" 

"I wouldn't like to grab a bite to eat... I'd rather eat a meal with you instead." I corrected him. 

Dylan just let out a chuckle. "Ha, Gomez is starting to get smart with me." 

I did a quick curtsy. "At it's finest!" 

He laughed at me. "Let's just go." 

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