1 | Auditioning

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{Omg hey! I decided to make Selena's character as Stella in Teen Wolf instead of Delilah since there has been gifs going on about Selena being Stella Argent by selenastiles and it's just so interesting! You guys should follow her on tumblr since she totally does a lot of dylena au stuff. Thanks}

| Selena |

It was the day! The day to feel alive and well for the audition of my life!

"Selena. We're ready to go!" Brian yelled for me to hear from all the way upstairs.

I dressed up in as my normal self. Just a cardigan, skinny jeans, solid white tee and to complete it with beige flats.

I started to walk towards the stairs to find Momma and Brian standing in the door waiting for me.

"I'm terrified." I whined while both of my lovely parents laughed at me. I called both of them my parengers since managers plus parents equals parengers.

Mom started to smooth out my long silky hair. She knew that would always calm me down. "Look hun, you'll do fine. Just remember to always relax and breathe."

Brian and Momma started to head out to start the sleek black SUV they bought recently. I haven't driven it yet, but I sure will if I get this part. For the past few months, all I have been watching is Teen Wolf. I was preparing myself for the whole change of environment comparing to the Wizards of Waverly.

The cast had won so much awards for the best cast and what if I don't mix in?

I practiced the lines of the newest character of Teen Wolf named Stella. Apparently, Stella was a new girl in school who is as sarcastic as Stiles Stilinski. Stella is known to have a brunette kind of hair which matched exactly like mine. I didn't know how to be sarcastic so I had to practice it a lot on Taylor who rather got annoyed by me. We totally just laughed it off.

"Selena, we're here." Mom mentioned out of the blue to make me look at the huge building nearly meters from our car.

I took a deep breath, "I am ready to go!" Brian, Mom and I headed out of the new sleek SUV. As I headed inside the lobby, it was the regular lobby of Los Angeles.

We looked at the section of the four elevators that were placed across from each other. I remembered what the person from the phone told me, "It is on level 12." I lightly pressed the 12 button to make the light appear. It was a elevator ride was quiet since all I could hear right now was nothing but my thoughts.


We stepped out to find a row of rooms to be led to. 122 was the number that I remembered the person tell me strictly. I quickly turned the knob to be greeted with a lot of people who looked rather like me or Delilah the new character of Teen Wolf.

I quickly squirmed my way into a seat that Mom and Brian sat both beside me, "I can't do this."

"Yes you can!" Brian exclaimed while I just buried myself on momma's shoulder.

I watched the door that held all the opportunities in our futures. Most of the girls were either sad, shocked, happy or depressed. It was scaring me each time. The looks on their faces were mostly wanting to die of shock. I actually saw myself being exactly like them. As the minutes passed by, I quickly filled out the contact information while Mom handed me my recent resume.

"Selena Gomez?" A woman with clear glasses asked throughout the whole room. I saw the teenage girls in the room to look for me, why must my name become so common or even famous?

"Good luck honey!' Brian and Mom whispered while I started to get up and went inside the small room that was filled with producers.

I stood in the white wall and faced the five people in front of me, I was kind of used to seeing producers in auditions. The camera was a close proximity to my face as my breathing started to quicken, but I remembered what Mom said, "Always relax."

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