71 | Unexpected Love & Kiss

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{an: I UPDATED. 20 or more votes for next updates! :) and I need to ask you guys something!

I need book suggestions to read during my break from school. Not fanfiction though, just a normal plot with FLUFFY and HAPPY ENDINGS. I seriously want to read something!


| Selena |

"I love you." His voice sounding soothing.

I took a deep breath and replied, "I love you too."

Justin grazed his fingers on my cheek, "I'll protect you from anyone who ever hurts you."

"I know you'll be there." I smiled at Justin.

He was about to close the gap between us, but I blocked his face with my hand and pushed his face away from mine. "Ew!"

Justin chuckled. "What kind of a script is this though?"

"It's Stiles and Stella, okay? We're in love." I summarized the whole character that Dylan and I had to play on Teen Wolf.

"Wow, you have to act this out with your ex-boyfriend?" Justin asked.

I shook my head. "Not ex-boyfriend, we're on a break remember?"

"That's basically the same thing and you guys haven't kept contact so doesn't that mean you guys are broken up?"

I rolled my eyes. "The things that come out of your mouth Justin... Always surprises me!"

"You'll do fine though, I believe in you Gomez!" He patted my back while I coughed out by the sudden hits.

"Should I do to set already?" I asked him.

He nodded. "Yes, now go while I actually hang out with my real friends."

"Are you saying that I'm not your real friend?"

Justin shooed me away and to the door. "You're my friend, bye."

The door shut behind me while I just headed to my car holding onto the script that was supposed to be taped today. I couldn't get a hold of Dylan to rehearse with him so I just went ahead and practiced with Justin since he was free.

| m b l |

I stepped out of the car and to the dressing rooms to see Bruna. She was looking at me up and down to see any kind of nervousness that I was feeling and I wasn't feeling anything.

I felt really awkward knowing that I had to do a intimate scene with my so known 'ex-boyfriend'.

Basically my whole life through the end of this season would sum up to one word that is, AWKWARD.

Bruna helped me dress up to a new outfit before it was time for me to go on set. A small smile grew on my face when I saw Dylan in the corner of the room. I headed his way while Jeff was still talking to a few camera men.

"Fifteen minutes until cameras are rolling." Jeff shouted so everyone could hear.

Dylan's eyes met mine when I stood in front of him. "Hey."

"Hi." He simply said. "How are you?"

"I'm great... I was trying to get a hold of you this week to practice some of the lines."

Dylan flipped through the script. "I was actually going a lot of doing casting interviews for a few movies."

I smiled since he was actually doing what he wanted of expanding out of Teen Wolf. "I can't wait to see you in the big screen!"

"I'll make sure to invite you to red carpet premiere's when you have time." Dylan smiled before I sort of felt a relief that we were sort of back in the conversation mode.

Jeff appeared in front of us with a hopeful smile. "Okay, you two. You guys better act with grace and love today. I know you both are going through something, but we need to set that aside." Wow, way to make it less awkward.

Dylan and I went ahead to our places before Holland came out of nowhere holding onto my forearm. "Good luck."

I took a deep breath before Dylan and I were the only ones in the side of the set while everyone was watching.

"One. Pickles. Dylan. ACTION!" Holland yelled out loud for everyone to hear while the cameras started rolling.

Stiles waved his hands wildly across the hallway catching Stella's attention. Stella headed his direction before the both of them were in front of each other. "I need to tell you something."

Stiles pulled on Stella's hand while dragging her in an empty room. "This is our senior year and our last year together so I got to tell you a secret."

"Stiles... It's almost 7:25, we're gonna be late for class." Stella headed to the door, but she was stopped my Stiles turning her back around.

"I love you." Stiles rubbed his forehead and looked away from Stella. My eyes searched for some kind of truth. It was real. I had to say something. "You don't have to say it back if you're not ready... I'm probably the most stupidest person ever right now because I should've known that you were ready-"

I know it wasn't in the script, but I went ahead and stopped Dylan from rambling, by placing a chaste kiss on his lips. Oh, how much I missed being able to do this."Wait- no, I love you too." Stella declared placing a hand on his heart as if she wanted to physically show him that she meant it.

"I'll protect you from anyone who ever hurts you." Stiles squeezes the hand that was placed upon his chest.

"I know you'll be there." Stella smiled at him admiring the declaration of Stiles.

The bell rings.

Stella's eyes went wide. "Stiles! Look now you made me late on the first day of school."

"At least we know the truth now. I'm set free." Stiles laughed awkwardly before Stella started to rush out. "I love you!" He yelled out loud watching Stella run towards her class.

"I love you too and go to class!"

"AND CUT!" Jeff called out while I breathed out from the breath I held on.

Holland ran towards me. "Wow, you guys were wonderful... It's like you guys didn't even break up."

I laughed awkwardly. "Yep."

Dylan walked to me with a slow creeping smile on his face. "That was better than I expected it to be. Glad we didn't do the original scene."

"You think Jeff will be okay with that?"

He nodded. "I think so, but thanks again for playing along with the scene. Nice touch with kiss. Never expected it."

"Well, aren't I  always unexpected?"

We both laughed before Jeff appeared next to us. "What was that both of you?"

"We're sorry..." Dylan pouted.

That pout, I bit my lip in an instant knowing that whenever pouted in the past I'd want to kiss him, but now I couldn't!

"That was actually good for what you guys have been going through. It's gonna have of two hashtags, #unexpectedlove and #unexpectedkiss. Keep it up you two!" Jeff commented before we both nodded.

"Looks like we still have the best ship ever." Dylan commented before he headed out.

I sighed. I hope that he liked what I did cause I knew I did.

{an: duddeeeesssss. It was short, but I hope you liked it! YAY! Votes and comments will be loved by.}

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