11 | Let's Have Some Fun

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| Selena | 

"AHHHH! DYLAN STOP!" I yelled at Dylan who was splasing water on me. I ran away from the hug wave that was coming towards me. 

It was a quick drive all the way to Santa Monica. Dylan and I just sang songs in the car, but this moment we weren't because it was my idea to walk through the waves of the beach. 

"Selena! You're supposed to have fun, you wanted to walk through the water right?" Dylan stood in with his hands on his hips just looking at me.

A wave passed Dylan and I got a little close, but still far away from him. "I didn't mean getting my clothes wet." 

"Oh come on... Have a little fun! We've worked a lot on set and we deserve fun." Dylan pointed out holding his hand toward me. I shook my head and stood my ground to where I left my bag with all the important things such as our script and phones. Dylan held his hands out to get me, "Come on!" 

"We haven't even taped the scenes we're supposed to be getting to know right now." I shouted over the crashing waves that was inches from my feet. 

He walked back towards me in the sandy land holding his hands up. "Fine, let's rehearse then." I smiled and watched him walk behind me. "But before that, we should have fun!" I felt his hand wrap around my waist as he hoisted me up bridal style. He ran towards the beach that was practically already waist high from him. 

I tried to pry off his arms, but then I looked at the bottom of where he stood. "Oh my god, Dylan! If you let go of me, I will murder you." 

"You can't do that." He laughed at me. "That'll ruin your reputation."

"I don't care about my reputation right now. I just care about not getting wet." I said trying to stay as far high up as I can. 

"Selena, we need to earn each others trust and we gotta have fun to work together." Dylan mentioned in a serious tone. 

Dylan then went down into the water with me. All of a sudden, I felt the cold saltwater just hit my body. I squealed and just fell out of Dylan's arms. "I hate you!" 

He chuckled. "No you don't." 

A wave hit my body making me lose balance and jolted me forward onto Dylan's body. I looked up at Dylan who was staring at me. I quickly stood myself up and out of his arms to not make this situation bigger than it is. 

"Come on. I'll treat you some ice cream from getting you wet." He offered while I nodded. "But first, we should get a new pair of clothes." 

"I don't think there's any shop near here." I looked around to see just the pier and roller coaster rides. 

He shook his head. "I think I have some clothes in the car." 

I looked at him funny, but just went along with him while I got my bag. We walked around in the parking lot and I watched him open the back of his car to reveal a huge duffle bag. I saw some extra clothes and girl clothes as well. "I have high waisted shorts and do you mind if you just use my shirt?" He showed me shorts and gave me a blue shirt that reminded me of H&M clothes. 

I shook my head. "I don't mind, but how and why do you have high waisted shorts?" 

"My sister and I were at the beach this weekend. I didn't get the chance to take out my duffle, but thankfully I didn't." He smiled. He got an outfit for himself before closing the car. 

We both headed to the bathrooms to get fixed up. I got out of the bathroom stall and looked into the mirror. I really hated how long Dylan's torso was so it looked like I was wearing a dress. I quickly tucked in the shirt and it off the edges so it looked like it was a a regular shirt for me. I was thankful that his sister and I were the same size. I walked out to see Dylan waiting for me with his wet clothes in his hands. We walked back to the car to put our wet clothes inside and then headed off to the beach again. 

"Okay, so let's get to work!" Dylan exclaimed before I took out the scripts. He and I read through the scripts then decided to go through it in our head. 

"I'm so sad. I want more Lydia and Stiles scenes!" I whined closing the script. 

He chuckled. "You don't want to work with me?" 

"At this rate, no cause I'm taking all the stydia scenes out of the picture. That sucks." 

He adjusted his seat on the little beach seats. "You don't ship Stella and Stiles?" 

I crossed my arms. "No-- Well, based on this scene... I think it's really funny cause Stella is annoying Stiles--"

"And the only way to shut her up is with a kiss." He interrupted me. I looked at him shocked since I didn't read that on the script. 

"Where is that? Who said that?" I questioned him with a stern look. 

"Didn't you read it? It's in next weeks script that I convinced Jeff to give me way before." 

I frowned. "How come I didn't get it?" 

He laughed. "You could've just asked me." 

"Well, I didn't know!" I exclaimed. "And also, are you serious that Stiles and Stella are going to kiss?" 

"I mean-- We have to act out Stella and Stiles kissing." 

I giggled and threw my head back. "Of couse!" 

"Don't worry, I'll make sure to be minty fresh." Dylan said before licking his lips. 

I laughed at him and pushed him slightly away from me. "You know... We could delay this whole thing and yolo our acting on set." 

"So does that mean you wanna go have an adventure instead of practicing?" He asked. 

I nodded and took the script from his hand then shoved it in my bag. "Yeah! Let's have some fun!" 

"That's what I'm talking about!" Dylan jumped up before dragging me along with him. It's really fun being with him, I really enjoy his presence. Like really and that's not supposed to happen. 

{an: how adorable are dylan and selena? they're cute.}

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