58 | I Promise You

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{an: this is another update because I'm loving this story! 15 or more votes for next update! I sort of went fast with this in a way, but I should give you a teaser at the very end.}

| Selena |

Today was a special day! The smile on my face kept on getting wider from the day ahead of me. I couldn't sleep a wink last night from all the excitement I had from my first concert ever, but the thought of mine and Dylan's anniversary was legit happiness.

I didn't get to see Dylan after I was finished, but it wasn't his fault. He hated huge crowds even when he doesn't feel like he belonged there. I wished Julia could've came and then it would result them to staying longer, but I knew that something was bothering Dylan last night.

While I was on stage for rehearsals, he looked really distant when he didn't catch my eyes and it was strange. I'll have to remind him later what was going on.

My phone suddenly sprung with beeps. I answered quickly not wasting a second since I wanted to see Dylan immediately for the start of this special day.

"Helllllllo. I've been waiting for you!" I chirped through the phone.

It was silent on the other line and I was about to check who exactly called me, but someone spoke. "Wow, didn't expect you to be waiting for my call since we're both in weird terms."

"Oh, Justin. Um... This is awkward." I simply said before shutting up and hit my forehead repeatedly with a pillow. "What's up?"

"I wanted to know if you wanted to go out today..." Is he crazy? I have plans!

I let on a sharp intake since he's obviously trying to ruin my special day with my own boyfriend. "I actually can't. I have plans."

"With your boyfriend?" He asked disgustingly. How dare he act that way talking about Dylan!

In my mind, I would've slapped his face if Justin was to talk like that to or about Dylan in front. "Yes, now I gotta go. We could definitely try next week though?" I knew that Tracey wanted me to start the whole publicity stunt and inside deep in my heart I knew that I needed to tell Dylan about this whole situation.

"I would love that. See you next week, Selly!" Justin hung up quickly.

I looked at my phone and scrunched my face disgustedly. "Did he just call me Selly?" Ugh, I hate it! I was totally gonna have a pissy mood today.

My phone started to ring again and I answered it hoping it was Dylan. "Hello?"

"I forgot to tell you. I'm gonna have an album release soon and you should come... It would create a good public thing." Justin mentioned.

"Fine." I muttered out before he hung up... Again!

Wow, is Justin my manager? He seems like one since he's setting up where I needed to be at times.

For the third time today, my phone rang. I should really consider silencing it.

"What do you want?" I spat out in a nasty way since it might be Justin again telling me that I needed to confirm with him our meeting next week.

"Babe, you're supposed to be in a good mood today!" My face softened and butterflies erupted my insides when I heard his voice for the first time today. "Are you sick? Should I buy you some Tylenol? DayQuil?"

The smile on my face returned from the frown I had from speaking to Justin seconds ago. "I am so freaking lucky to have you in my life, have I ever mentioned that?'

"This is actually the first time, so tell me... What brings you to such a ugly mood for our day?" He asked suspicously.

I hesistated for a moment not telling him exactly who called me. "My management team... Always rooting for something I don't favor off."

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