42 | Music or Teen Wolf?

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{an: hiiiii. this is quite shorter than I expected, but I really needed to update this. 10 or more votes for next update and there is gonna be a new someone next chapter so...}

| Selena |

I closed my eyes knowing the familiar footsteps of a tall blonde girl. Her shoes were heavily stomping around her house while I pretended to sleep on her comfortable leather couch.

"Sel, are you okay there?" Taylor asked quietly thinking that I was really asleep. "I know you're awake."

I couldn't help, but laugh knowing that I couldn't hold on to my fits of laughter. "Yeah, I'm okay. Just a bit tired."

"You wanna talk about it?"

I shrugged finally looking at Taylor sitting at the edge of the couch where her feet were. "I don't know really. I've been really unbalanced these past few days." It was true. I didn't really have time for anything ever since I've started the music career. I've been in the studio for about a week or two and we're halfway done with a song. I had to get used to a singing career lifestyle.

"I know what's in your mind, are you thinking about how to adjust to your schedules?" She asked crossing her legs and getting comfortable.

I sat up hearing that Taylor was right that I had been thinking about my lifestyle. "Yeah, how'd you know?"

"Selena, I know you from left to right and I sort of the only one who can relate to your situation." Taylor explained while I smiled knowing that it was true. She was really the real deal to any situation. "It'll take a while. I'll tell you that, but it's really something you would want to stay committed to... Sometimes with such a full schedule, you'd have to give up a few things."

"What do you mean give up a few things?" I didn't want to ask her since I had a feeling I knew what she was about to tell me.

Taylor shrugged making me feel a little uneasy. "Well, you have to be on the road cause I know you'll end up having a tour. That might mean having to step out of Teen Wolf for a bit."

There it was, that's all I needed to hear from her and I already felt like throwing up. Giving up Teen Wolf would have to spend less time with my basically my second most important family. I frowned. "Does that mean I'd have no time seeing Dylan?"

She tugged on the blanket and covered it around her shoulders. "No! Not at all. You'll even have less time seeing your parents being on the road all the time. Trust me, I've had to Facetime mom and dad everyday because I wasn't used to them not being on the road with me anymore."

I sighed. "Oh my god, Taylor... How do you even do this?"

Taylor laughed. "Easy, I don't act. I just stick to music because that's what I love."

"This is stressing me out. Why'd I even have to choose acting and singing at the same time?" I slapped myself in the head.

"I don't really know, but hey! How are you and Dylan?" Taylor smirked at me.

I was googley eyes the moment Taylor mentioned his name. "Well, I had a sleepover with him when we had our weekend off."

"Wait, did anything happen?" She asked almost wanting some news about Dylan and I.

I grinned widely. "Nothing really, we just spent a lovely time together."

"Hmm... Lovely? More like romantically!" Taylor laughed at her own comment making me giggle at herself.

I playfully threw her tiny pillows towards her before she caught it and stuck her tongue out at me. "Taylor, I love you so freaking much. Thanks for listening to me."

"I love you too Selena, but I think you should talk about this to Dylan too." Taylor admitted to me.

I nodded. I needed to talk to Dylan about this asap.

{an: luv you all and i hope you liked this update. comment bc i love reading comments.}

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