24 | It's Complicated...

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{an: I'm writing so much stuff right now because I want to write new stories. I have a lot of ideas that I want to share to the world sooo... please bare with me when I update too late lol :)}

| Dylan |

"Do you like someone?" Julia asked in the most simplest way. I shouldn't even be surprised since she always does this.

I chuckled. "No, why would you ask that?"

"Because I know that you're lying to me. I am your only sister and a girl so I tend to know these things." She explained getting up in my face trying to threaten me in a bad cop type.

I shook my head. "Julia, I know you've been my sister for the longest... But there are some things that you don't know about me."

She gasped. "What? Are you joking with me?"

"I'm telling the truth." I shrugged my shoulders.

Julia frowned for a moment. "Okay, then... I won't tell you what she told me." She crossed her arms in front of her and walked away from me.

I furrowed my eyebrows and wondered who she was talking about. I followed her and looked at her face closely to realize what it was she was hinting to me. "Who are you talking about?"

She sighed really really loud trying to make me feel like I was annoying her. "Who should I be talking about? It could be mom... It could be Holland or Crystal... It can even be about Selena. You will never know."

"Who is it about?" I questioned her suspiciously.

She took out her phone from her pocket and casually just started to play with it.


Still playing with her phone.




No response.

"Oh come on, I'm your best friend." I faked a laugh and started giving up on her.

Julia started to give me a uncontrollable evil laugh. "Selena didn't tell me anything."

"What!?" I covered my face with my hands. "I should have known that you were lying to me."

She laughed and rose her shoulders to a shrug. "I could tell that she might have like you."

I looked at her funny. "How would you know?"

She scoffed. "I'm a girl and I know things."

"I actually need proof for something this serious because I don't want to be looking stupid when I tell her my feelings for her--" Shit. I just let it slip out of my mouth.

Julia jumped up from her seat and pointed her finger at me. "Oh my god, I knew you liked her."

"I didn't say I liked her."

"No, but you just said that you had feelings for her and that's something!" She cheered to herself.

"Ugh, I hate you." I grabbed the pillow from the couch and threw it at her.

Julia dodged it. "No... That's not true! You actually love me so..." She gave me a that's-so-obvious face.

I stayed quiet for a moment just to think of ways to say something back at her. "Do you think she likes me?"

She gave me a huge grin. "Of course, you're just so stupid to actually realize it."

"But it's complicated---" I started to say.

"No, it's not!" Julia interrupted my sentence.

I thought for a moment. I couldn't tell Julia about the reality of having a relationship in the industry. First, I would need to go through not only just my publicist, but Selena's publicist as well with a proper approval of the media to know that we are actually dating. Second, we work together and it wouldn't mix if she suddenly gets to get paired up with someone... There would be a whole awkward tension when that comes up. Third, the public... Oh how I would hate that. I already recieve as much as hate as I wouldn't want Selena to get so why should I give her more hate?

I took a deep breath before looking at Julia with a serious face. "It's complicated."

"Fine." Julia said giving up on me. "Hey, let's do something fun. This was such a serious conversation we just had."

I nodded and chuckled. "Same, let's go get some ice cream."

We both got up and started to get out of the house. It was a bright sunny day so ice cream was definitely gonna brighten our mood from our serious talk. Once we got in the car, Julia's eyes went wide.

"Hey, you remember when you told Selena, I wanna be yours, but took it back?" She asked with her eyebrows up.

I started to remember what she was asking me. "What about it?"

"She actually smiled when you said that, but frowned again when you took it back." Julia stated like it was something to simple. "But whatever."

My mouth started to curve up at the thought of that. Maybe she does like me after all...

{an: yaaaay or nayyy? sorry for updating so late, but school is always the first priority! also, I'm thinking of changing the way of how this series was actually supposed to be set up so watch out for some twist and turns. I LUV YOU GUYS AND YOU ARE ALL AWESOME. :*}

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