65 | Let's Take A Break

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{an: hiiii everyone! I'm sorry for this lateeee update, but I really need the time to take a break from writing since I didn't feel confident in what a wrote, but I guess I am back for now! Votes for next update as well. THANK YOU so much for getting Must Be Love 51K reads btw. I love you alllllll.}

| Selena |

I continued sitting down wrapped up in a blanket. Why did I have to be so stupid? I took the time to rethink about my life.

My ears didn't detect that someone stepped into the room before I saw Taylor kneel in front of me. She placed her hand on my lap before rubbing my shoulders. "Hey, are you okay?"

I felt the tiny tears already pouring out of my eyes. I shook my head before wiping it away with the back of my hand. "No... I'm not."

"Will you tell me what happened?" Taylor asked before she sat comfortably in front of me.

I never told anyone about what happened between Dylan and I. Momma probably called Taylor about my sudden sadness. It felt like I was broken and it hurt a lot.

"Dylan and I are on break." I simply said before Taylor gasped.

I felt her arms wrap around me before I kept on crying. Taylor knew that I hated talking while I cried since I had a habit of wheezing and slurring my words a lot. She just held me until I decided to stop myself to take a few regular normal deep breaths.

What seemed like hours of Taylor waiting for me to talk finally came by when she decided to ask, "I know this is a bad time to talk to you, but what really happened? All of these media talking about a controversy about you and Justin, but I knew that it wouldn't hurt you that much unless it was with Dylan."

Hearing Justin's name sent me to hell. I wanted none of him right now since he was the person who basically caused all this mess. I tried to explain to Taylor the whole devastating morning that came by after Dylan's night out.

[flashback to the morning after Dylan got drunk]

I opened my eyes slowly from the reflection of something shining on my face. I blocked the shine from my eyes before readjusting to the room. I rubbed my eyes until I found Dylan still asleep from where he was last night.

Thankfully, he didn't have any throw up sessions last night so it ran smoothly. I straightened myself up before heading downstairs to get Tylenol and water for the headache there is to come for him. Before my feet patted up the steps to his room, I walked in quietly to make not much of a noise. I placed the water and pills on his night table before taking a clear look at Dylan.

"Why'd you have to get drunk?" I laughed lightly before taking my fingers and combing it through his bed hair. To think that I would have lost Dylan last night, but he was just out drinking problems away. It's better than losing him to an accident or something.

Dylan started to groan in pain before I took a step back and observe any type of injury on him, but there was nothing. "This headache, shit." He opened his eyes slowly before setting it on me. "Selena..."

"Here." I offered him the pills and water before he sat up and drank the pain relievers before I just watched him. When he chugged the whole glass down, I waited for him for any further sayings. I couldn't risk jumping the gun not knowing what our status was.

He shifted himself before I stood awkwardly in front of him. I didn't know what to do. "What are you doing here?"

I let did a sharp intake after he asked me. "Um, I wanted to watch out for you just in case anything happened... I was worried last night."

"Thanks." Dylan mumbled. From his expressionless face, I knew something was bothering him. I had a feeling that he was about to treat me cold for a few hours or worse days. "So... About yesterday-" My phone started to buzz from his night stand. It lit up to some messages spamming my phone. He reached over to hand me my phone, but he glanced over to it with a sour face. "Someone's missing you."

I took it from his offering hand and watched the notifications from Justin. Ugh.

From: Justin - Hey Selena, wanted to know if we're still up for tomorrow at the event?

From: Justin - Are we still cool?

I grimaced before shoving my phone back in my pocket. I took a deep breath and sat next to Dylan on the bed leaving a space since there was a uncomfortable silence between us.

My image for Dylan is going down at every second. From yesterday to right now I was seriously messing up.

"Selena... I think we should take a break." Dylan slipped out of his mouth.

I felt my heart literally drop and crack into pieces. What? In an instant there was a tear that dropped from my eyes, I wiped it quickly not wanting Dylan to think that I was a weak and desperate girl who just wanted to let our relationship drag.

"It'll be better right? You and Justin ruling ov- over the wor- world?" He asked in a choked form. I looked up from the corner of my eye to see him teary eyed as I was.

I took a chance to scoot a little closer to him and place my head against his shoulder. "I don't want that to happen." From the sudden jerking of his body, I knew he was in the verge of tears. I copied him as well letting my tears fall silently wiping it away as soon as it tried to go down my cheek.

I had a feeling that Dylan didn't want to say anything else so I let it go.

"I love you." Dylan whispered before kissing my forehead and hugging me tight.

"I love you too." I said quietly before he nodded.

We both sat letting our cries subside. "I think you should go."

I nodded. "This isn't goodbye right?" I looked at him. He shook his head.

I stood up and walked away silently. When I finally locked myself in the car, I let out every tear that was held inside. I'm broken and it's horrifying.


"What'll happen now?" Taylor asked me.

I stared at an empty space. "I don't know."

Taylor was very experienced in relationships, but she never really told me about times where she thought she had been on a break with them. It's always break up or make up, but never really on a break. "What do you think will happen to me and him?"

"I think there's something still between the both of you because you guys are literally meant to be. You may have had this fight or complication, but in every relationship it's like this. Ups and downs, but it'll get better." Taylor explained. "I know you have touring and all, but Dylan and you will get through this."

Taylor hugged me tight before let out a smile of hope. I had a bit of hope that Dylan and I will get through this.

I just hope it'll be soon enough for me to stop this heartbreak.

{an: yessss. they are on a break, but that doesn't mean that they broke up entirely. more to come don't worry. Comments will be much appreciated. I always have been planning to unpublish some stuff so just to warn everyone!}

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