68 | Be My Teenage Dream Tonight?

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{an: you guys are amazing. I updated again. sorry for the slacking of not updating, I just have a lot on my plate since I have like two more weeks of school! 20 or more votes for next update and after these two weeks I'll get started on some new stories for Dylena! I'm still open to suggestions! Enjoy!}

| Selena |

"What are you doing tomorrow?" Justin asked as we were waiting for our lunch to be served. Sammy and Shawn were talking about this diner ever since and I had no one to spend time with except for Justin who was free. I called everyone including my parents, but they were currently on a road trip around California without me.

I quickly took out the calendar from my phone and searched for the list of stuff I must be doing tomorrow. I gasped when I saw nothing at all. "Wow... Surprisingly I have nothing on my schedule!"

"Good since I'm taking you to a basketball game tomorrow, front row seats so you can't really bail on me." He pointed gun fingers at me while I frowned.

"Way to warn me..." I glared at him clearly getting mad at the attempt to take me to a basketball game. I mean I didn't mind it, but the thought of being watched by even millions of people in the court and tv is just as awkward as it may seem cause it's live.

Justin just kept himself calm and collected. "Don't worry, you'll have me! I'm fun right?"

I nodded and sarcastically said, "Sure."

Our waitress came from the kitchen to serve us our burgers and fries. "Let's eat up."

Justin and I just kept on munching on our plates until it was spotless without any crumbs. With the recent things that have been happening to me, I've actually depended on Justin most of the time since I needed to form a sort of chemistry with him in order to create a type of notice for the both of us.

Tracey and Cindy were extremely happy as well with Scooter when Justin and I told them that we were really trying to work on this PR situation. We've both come to our senses that this was actually a good idea to go through with in our music career.

"So, are you gonna go on tour?" I asked him.

He nodded while we were just waiting for our check. "Yes... Are you gonna miss me?" He teased too much.

I shook my head. "Nope, you're way too into yourself."

Justin quickly paid for our check while we sped to the car without any paparazzi's following us through the streets of California.

[ m b l ]

My car went to a jolt when I hit the breaks suddenly in my parking spot. I was quite nervous as I looked in front to see a few trailers pass by. It was finally the time when I was back at work for Teen Wolf... Where I had to see certain people.

I really didn't know how I wanted to feel today. Jeff called me last night reminding me that Dylan was shooting scenes with me today. I held my gut tight not wanting to fall apart by the way that Stella and Stiles were supposed to be madly in love with each other.

I rehearsed through it last night thinking to myself that when I saw him, I'd react in a subtle manner. I couldn't make him think that he was the reason why this all happened, I still want him to realize that we still have a chance to be together... But for right now it wasn't the right time. I wanted Dylan to know that I didn't hate him. I would just want to know how he's been and a simple conversation that could ease both our awkwardness.

When I stepped into the dressing room, I was left alone with Bruna. She quickly dressed me up for my day and I had a talk with her about what happened to Dylan and I. She needed to be informed by it, but now I probably made her feel worse cause she had to work with Dylan and I constantly. She's always been there with we both pranked each other. Bruna even called Dylan and I her babies so it wasn't be bad that she'd be mad about what was going on.

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