23 | I Wanna Be Yours

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| Selena |

"Hey Jeff!" Dylan called out from a mile away from where Jeff was standing. I looked at Dylan jog really slow towards him and I wondered what they would talk about. Jeff's face went down and concerned for a moment when Dylan was in the middle of talking.

I started to walk towards the both of them to mention that I was actually in for our calltime.

Jeff shifted himself towards me before I just stood there. "Just tell me what you need and I'll see you next week." Dylan turned his heels and walked away from Jeff.

I wondered where exactly where he was going since it was supposed to be our week to tape a bunch of scenes with each other. "Dylan!" I exclaimed to get his attention.

He broke his neck automatically and looked in my direction. "Hey Selena! What's up?"

I learned my head to the side wondering why he was the one asking me what's up with me. "So... You have plans today?"

"Yes I do." He nodded.

I crossed my arms in front of me. "What're you gonns do?" I asked him. Ew, I seriously sound like a girlfriend right now.

"I'm gonna pick up my sister. Wanna come with?" He let out slyly. Wow, he isn't as nervous as he usually was right now.

I shrugged. "Aren't we supposed to be taping today?"

Dylan shook his head. "Well, not really... I requested a delay of some sort to the episode because I had to have some sibling time with Julia."

"Sibling time!?" I questioned him shockingly.

He jumped back at my reaction. "Why are you so surprised?"

"Because you're asking me to join in the sibling time with your sister." I laughed.

"Seriously? Just come with me! It's a long drive." He started. "We could even get something on the way."

I laughed. "Ehhh..."

"Come on, you know you have nothing to do here on set because all the scenes that you have to do are with me which doesn't make sense because I'm not here." Dylan explained clearly.

"Okay." I finally decided. "I'll just text Jeff or something."

We both walked towards his car and got settled inside. It feels like we were skipping from our responsibilities, but whatever... We're young and wild and free?

I quickly texted Jeff.

To Jeff: Jeff, I'm going with Dylan. Thanks!

From Jeff: I got you guys and good luck.

The ride to the airport was definitely really long considering the traffic was pretty bad during this time. It was so silent. I hated silent moments whenever it was just two people together. I wasn't really used to being alone with Dylan yet so...

"You okay?" Dylan asked quietly.

I glanced at Dylan who was just looking straight ahead at the traffic.

"It's too silent." I blurted out.

"Then let's play some music!" He cheered and pressed the button for the FM. It was playing All About That Bass. "I'm all about that bass, bout that bass, bout that bass... No treble!" Dylan sang out loud with a low out of pitched voice.

It sent me to hysterical laughter and it was probably the funniest/worst thing I have heard in my life. "You sure do have a talent there." 

He gave me a thumbs up. "Yeah... I'm trying to warm up cause my sister and I usually sing a lot."

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