12 | In Your Dreams

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{an: cute, but short. this is probably the shortest thing I've written, but I like it!}

| Dylan | 

“AND CUT!” Jeff shouted at us. 

Selena pushed me out of nowhere. “Stop making me laugh! I hate you.”

I chuckled at her. “What? I just looked at you.”

She hid her face from me while I kept on laughing at her. “This is supposed to be a serious moment, Dylan. I’m supposed to be pissed off at you. 

“Well you can’t cause I’m fucking awesome.” I pointed at myself with pride and stood tall. Selena just kept on giggling.

Jeff stood next to us while I watched Holland and Posey giggling like fangirls in the corner because we know what was next for Selena and I. “Guys! Didn’t you rehearse your lines when I told you to?”

We both nodded at the same time. “We did, but he keeps on making funny faces when he’s out of the view.”

I shook my head while Jeff gave us the death glare. “I’m giving you guys one last chance before I’ll have to skip this whole scene and move onto the next.” He walked back behind the camera.

I turned back to Selena. “Selena, we need to step up our game man. We need to do this.”

“Okay. Let’s do this.” Selena gave a thumbs up at everyone and we both took our places.

“AND ACTION!” Holland yelled while we waited for the click. The cameras moved behind me while Selena got her game face was on. 

Stiles went near Stella. As close as can be. “Tell me exactly who you are then we’ll tell you exactly what we’ve had. Fair deal.”

Stella shook her head. “I’m not that stupid to know what I’m getting into.”

“Can you just tell me cause I’m running out of ideas and my friends are getting pissed off.” I threw my hands up without making Stella flinch.

She smiled an evil smile. “No. I still don’t know all the details I’m getting into.”

My eyes almost popped out. “That is not fair-- Stella, work with me.”






By this time Stiles was really annoyed. “Stella!” 

“NO!” Stella exclaimed.

I threw my hands up again, but my hands went straight to the back of Stella’s hand and kissed her. Stella eyes popped while I settled my eyes to be closed.

“CUT!” Jeff shouted and everyone clapped. “That was amazing!”

I let go off Selena immediately to find her lips plumped and she was really shocked. “That wasn't written on my script." 

“Sorry, Jeff wanted me to do it anyway.” I mentioned. “And did you eat pickles before coming to set?” 

She nodded and giggled. “Yeah, that was some good pickle popcorn.”

“Pickle popcorn? What is that?” I asked before the crew started to motion us to get off the set.

She smiled and we walked off since Jeff promised that was the last scene that Selena and I would do today. “You wanna taste it?”

“I think I already did.”I pointed to my lips.

Selena grabbed my hand and led me back to her trailer. I waited at the bottom while she walked up to get a bag of popcorn that looked normal. She shoved some in my mouth and I chewed into it. It tasted saltier than her lips. “It’s nice.” I got more of the popcorn in her baggy.

“Isn’t it nicer?” Selena questioned with a glee smile.

I nodded. “Yeah, but I prefer the one on your lips. It was much sweeter than this.”

Selena giggled. “Let’s just hope Stella and Stiles get more scenes like that then.”

I shrugged and chuckled. “I mean-- it can happen behind the scenes too.”

She rolled her eyes at me while I looked at her in disbelief. “In your dream, Dylan.”

“But you are my dreams.” I teased, but I just got an eye roll from her. I really did hope that Selena and I would get more scenes together in the future.

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