2 | Teen Wolf Set

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{Omg hey! I decided to make Selena's character as Stella in Teen Wolf instead of Delilah since there has been gifs going on about Selena being Stella Argent by selenastiles and it's just so interesting! You guys should follow her on tumblr since she totally does a lot of dylena au stuff. Thanks}

| Selena |

My phone buzzed the tones of bells as to ring me to be awaken at this moment. I rubbed my eyes in a circular motion to see clearly. My hands slightly pressed onto the home button wih the little square in it, my screen for me to see that it was 7:30 am. I just remembered that I needed to be at the set and offices location at 8:30.

I squeaked to see that I wouldn't have time to have a pleasant breakfast if I just stayed in my comfortable bed the whole morning. I threw my blanket off my body to find my way to the beige bathroom. I started to get cleaned up starting with a shower and doing the usual with what a girl has to do early in the morning.

I hurried my way downstairs to smell a whiff of fresh pancakes being cooked. I gave a gentle push towards the kitchen door to find Mom just making a pile of pancakes on top of the white shiny plate. Brian was in the middle of reading the morning paper and it was a very normal morning at home. I sat on the dining table to see a whole buffet of breakfast food that would be chewed on by my mouth in just a few minutes. I looked at the clock to find that it was 7:55. I had about fifteen minutes to eat quickly.

"Selena, Jeff just texted me where we needed to be in a few minutes. It might take us about forty minutes to get there including the morning traffic here so you got to get eating honey!" Mom informed me as I took a plate and started to put pancakes on top of bacon on top of eggs on top of waffles. It's always important to have a nice breakfast.

Mom, Brian and I started to eat as soon as mom took a seat at the dining table. We ate at a very quick motion since Brian didn't want me to be late even a second since first impression is always important. As soon as I finished the last piece on my plate, I took a sip of my water to take a sweetness off my mouth. I straightened myself and walked upstairs to my velvet room.

"What to wear... What to wear?" I asked myself out loud to skim over all the clothes that were neatly all hanged. I looked over to find a complete outfit with starless colored high rise skinny jeans, a cream billowy tank top with an American Eagle denim jacket. I took off the jacket off the hanger to watch a note fall out.

It read. Sel... Good luck today :) I hope you enjoy the first day off being in the most wonderful and enchanting set ever! This outfit would look great in a weather like today! Love, Taylor.

She's the best sister ever.

I started to put on the whole outft which was rather fitting. I liked it. I looked at myself in the mirror and remembered that I had white flats that can match with this outfit. I went in my closet once again to find the white flats under where Taylor had put near my outfit. Smart! I slipped on the flats and looked at myself again. I looked perfect!

"Selena! Lets get going!" I heard Brian call out.

I started to look for my phone which sat on the edge of my bed. I started to walk out my bedroom door making me close it shut just in case anything happens before we come home. My feet skipped along the wooden stairs to find Mom and Brian just waiting for me. I just smiled sweetly to show that I am still such a good daughter trying to go quickly out of the house. I passed them to finally climb inside the SUV car that Brian had gotten mom, but Brian is always driving.

The ride to the location where Jeff wanted us to go to was thankfully near us. I was fidgeting with my phone as Brian started to come up into a parking lot which was only half full of cars. I watched people just walking around minding their own business. I saw a few white trailers that were placed neatly next to each other, reminds me off trailers that I had when I shot movies. I probably had to get used to this, it's gonna be my next home!

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