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"Where's Roman?" Patton whispered softly as he and Virgil walked down the hall. "You guys are usually attached at the hip."

"He's with his boyfriend, Kaiden Evans." Patton's face fell as he stopped Virgil in his tracks. "What?"

"His boyfriend?" Virgil nodded with a confused smile. "Oh, kiddo..."

"What?" He asked again not understanding why Patton looked so sad.

"I just... I guess... I thought you and Roman..."

"Roman and I were what?" Patton grimaced a bit before moving his hand to Virgil's twisting it enough to look at the other's mark and Virgil frowned. 

"I thought you two were together." Virgil burst out laughing as he quickly shook his head waving Patton off as he started back down the hall. 

"No no. We aren't together. I'm contracted to him. That's all. " Virgil and Patton both slowly made their way to the cafeteria as Virgil just continued to laugh. "I'm the one that put them on a blind date. Besides, I told you all at the sleepover a while back... I've dealt with dating before... I'm not doing it again."

"I know. I just... I don't know. I'm sorry."

"It's fine, Patton. Really..." Virgil smiled softly as the two finally walked into the cafe. "I'm happy for-..." Virgil stopped cold in his tracks seeing Roman there at their usual table kissing Kai. "I'm happy for him." His chest just dropped at the sight as Roman pulled away with a small smile gently brushing Kai's hair back behind his ear. That pit Virgil got every time he saw them together came back and he sighed with a sad smile. "He deserves to be happy."

"Well, as long as your both happy then that's all that matters to me." Patton giggled before racing off to join the group at the table. Virgil just sat there trying to work up the energy to not look so pained. He clenched his fists and took a deep breath before forcing himself to smile as he walked himself to the table. The second he got there Roman jumped up and hugged him tightly with a very excited giggle. "Hey, Ro."

"Hey, Virge!" Roman beamed as he took his hand and held it tightly in his. "I've missed you. We haven't hung out just the two of us for a while lately." Virgil carefully took his seat, as Roman held his hand without any intention of letting it go. We should do that."

"Uh... Well, yeah. I guess. I mean... I'm free this weekend." Roman's eyes lit up only to falter as he shook his head. "Oh? You not free?"

"No, Roman and I are going to go ice skating." Kai called out as Roman shrugged. "There's this cool all-season rink a few towns over. Roman thought we could make a weekend out of it and just hang out there together." Virgil blinked, trying to ignore the pain in his chest as he forced his smile to widen.

"Oh cool. That sounds fun. I hope you guys enjoy yourself." Roman laughed as he nodded gently rubbing his thumb over Virgil's hand, which he still didn't let go of yet and wasn't planning to.

"Thanks, Virgil." Roman lulled as he glanced over at his boyfriend with a silly look. "It should be fun. I've never skated before so it should be interesting to see how often I fall."

"Just be careful," Virgil called back as Kai chuckled softly.

"Don't worry. He'll have me to catch him." Right... Virgil sighed as he turned back to the table with a slightly less 'bright' smile. Patton just watched it all with a sad look in his eyes. "I'm slowly but surely working through everything he hasn't done. Isn't that right, Hun?"

"Just the other day we went to the zoo. The ZOO Virgil. Oh my god... so many animals!" Roman giggled as he bounced a bit in his seat. "They were so precious! Ah! I just melted over all the different wild cats they had. Especially the large ones like the lions and tiger. Kai took me to see them all."

"He was like a child so full of wonder." Kai smiled as laughed softly seeing how Roman's eyes were shining so happily. "I'm just glad he enjoyed himself."

"I did. I really did." Roman turned back to Virgil with this soft expression, squeezing the other's hand to help jar him out of his thoughts. "Maybe one of these days we could go together?"

"Yeah sure," Virgil mumbled not really aware as he just stared off at nothing making Roman frown in concern. He went to ask him if he was ok only for Virgil to pull his hand free, making Roman tense at the sudden tug in his chest. "I'm glad you're having so much fun Roman. You and Kai are really happy aren't you."

"Yeah. I think we are." Roman shot his boyfriend a smile who nodded in response, hiding the fact that he had noticed Roman's reaction to Virgil pulling away. "I'm happy we met."

"And I'm glad I didn't have to set up a million dates." Virgil teased as he tried not to let it show how much this was hurting him. "Guess I was right with the first one. I knew you and Kai would hit it off."

"Thank you, Virgil." Kai lulled softly taking Roman's hand who tensed slightly before smiling back at him. "It means a lot." Roman lit up as he went to say something only for Kai to cut in without realizing. "We should go through."

"What?" Roman muttered quietly as Kai just rolled his eyes playfully. "Why do we have to..."

"I have Choir? You said you would walk me. Unless you want to hang with Virgil. I don't mind really." 

"No. I just forget. I've got you." Roman laughed as he started to get up. "It's ok. We can catch up another time. Right, Virgil?"

"Yeah, you two go right ahead." Roman beamed as he quickly pulled Virgil into a hug whispering softly in his ears, making Virgil melt into the embrace.

"I'll stop by later ok? I don't like that you're home alone so much." Virgil laughed as the two finally pulled apart and nodded. "Good. I'll be seeing you then?"

"I'm just a blink away." Roman laughed loudly as Virgil watched him slowly walk off with Kai. He really did look happy. 

"Kiddo, are you sure you're ok with this?" Patton finally broke the silence as Virgil just sighed and turned back to the table with a shrug. 

"As long as Roman's happy, so am I."

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