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"Roman?" Virgil frowned seeing the demon just standing there in front of him with this sad look in his eyes. "Ro? What's wron-..." Virgil tensed up instantly as Roman threw himself into him gripping the human's shirt tightly in his grip. Virgil blinked, confusion clear in his face, as he slowly wrapped his arms around his demon. "Did something happen?"

"Kai and I... We uh... We aren't together... anymore." Virgil's eyes shot wide as he held Roman tighter in his grasp. "He um... He said our relationship was more platonic and that we were more friends than anything."

"Oh, Ro. I'm sorry..."

"Don't be. " Roman nuzzled into him with a small smile as he just shrugged. "He's not wrong. I... I don't know the difference between Platonic or Romantic. I told you... I didn't know what I was SUPPOSED to be feeling so... I just went along with it because he did make me happy."

"Roman? Are you sure you're ok?" Roman nodded as he took in a deep breath loving the fact that he was holding his human again.

"Yea. I really am. Kai said we were still friends and nothing bad really happened. He just... It took me a while to understand what he was trying to teach me." Virgil frowned as he pulled away forcing Roman to look at him with concern etched deeply into his eyes. "I'm ok Virgil. Like I said he wasn't wrong. He asked my who it was I could see myself spending my life with and... It wasn't him." Virgil's eyes widened as Roman shrugged. "It wasn't him and I'm ok with that. He was ok with that. I don't mind how this ended. Especially because now there's nothing keeping me distracted from doing what I'm supposed to be doing... caring for you." Roman was trying to reassure his friend. He was but he could see the worry in Virgil's eyes and he sighed. "What's wrong?"

"It wasn't because of me... right?" Roman frowned in confusion as Virgil tensed up badly. "I mean... When I butt into your guys' date... you... You were completely focused on me. Kai didn't break up with you because of that right?"

"Kai didn't even bring up the ice rink once." Virgil sighed as Roman brushed his hair back. "It wasn't your fault at all, Flos." Virgil's eyes darted up as Roman chuckled a bit. "Don't worry about it. I'm just happy I'm here with you again. I didn't really like that you had to leave."

"I didn't want to upset anyone." Virgil mumbled shyly as Roman shook his head.

"You wouldn't have. Besides, I had a lot of fun skating around with you." Virgil groaned as the tension got a bit too much for him. He was still feeling really bad about Roman's break up even if the demon didn't seem all that broken up about it. Yes, Roman was down but he wasn't heartbroken and that was all the more proof that Kai was right. "Come on."

"What... where are we going?" Virgil stumbled after as Roman tugged Virgil along behind him.

"The bed. I want to cuddle."

"Roman..." Virgil whined making Roman laugh all the more as the demon literally dragged him to the bed making the human fall into his chest with a grunt. "Ro-..." Virgil squeaked as Roman lightly picked him up enough to move him till he was draped over him, their legs entangled together. "Roman, why?"

"Because I've missed this." Roman smiled softly as he just held him close. Virgil laid there with a sad look in his eyes as he stared off at his bedroom wall. He couldn't deny that he had missed it too but something in him felt this was wrong... because it felt so good to be in his arms. Virgil buried his head into Roman's chest, who laughed in response while kneading his fingers through his human's hair. "Plus you looked tired. When was the last time you got some proper sleep, Flos?"

"I mean... I got I think an hour or two last night." Roman's blinked as Virgil just chuckled, as if not phased at all. "Don't know if I got any the night prior to be honest."

"That's it. You are going to sleep."

"But Mom, I don't wanna!" Virgil teased Roman just gave him this pointed look that clearly meant he wasn't having it. "I'm fine, Roman. Just couldn't get my brain to quiet down."

"Go to sleep."

"That's not how it..." Roman's eyes went red making Virgil tense up a bit, worried he had upset the other, but Roman just sighed as he smiled sadly and moved to hold Virgil closer.

"I know." Roman spoke softly, his words barely a whisper as he continued to soothingly trail his fingers through Virgil's hair. "I know that but... please, Flos... please try."

"For a second there... I was worried you were going to force me to." Roman frowned as Virgil cuddled against him, eyes slowly slipping shut. "I was scared that I had made you mad."

"No. You didn't make me mad. I'm just worried about you. And I would never do that to you unless it was for your own safety... you know that right?" Virgil gave a sleepy smile as he nodded making Roman relax a bit with a shakey breathe. "Good. I don't ever want you to be scared of me."

"I'm not scared of you." Virgil slurred as Roman lightly pressed his lips against his hair subconsciously, just wanting to be as close to the other as he could get. "Just don't want to upset you."

"Shh, Flos." Roman sang with his whispers, a soft vibrating hum helping to lull the human to sleep. "Just relax. I've got you."

"You... You sure your ok?" Roman smiled as he nodded noticing how Virgil was already well on his way to sleep. "You not... not sad about Kai?"

"No, Virgil. I'm not sad about Kai. I cared about him yes but... he helped me to see we just friends... and I am very ok with that."

"Oh." Virgil yawned as he slipped off of Roman, falling beside him with a smile, as the demon cradled his head on his chest. "You... you gonna try again?"

"Dating?" Virgil nodded, his eyes still closed as Roman just watched him with a fond gleam in his eyes. "No. I don't think so."

"But... But you said..."

"I know, Virgil. And I'm happy you want to help give me that but..." Roman turned to his side so he could nestle in closer to his human with a soft smile, just breathing the other in. "As long as I'm with you none of that matters to me. Good night, Flos."

"Silly, Roman." Virgil giggled sleepily. "I don't know what flos means."

"It means flower." Roman's eyes shined as Virgil smiled in his sleep. "Goodnight, Flower."

"Nite nite, Roman."

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